Friday, March 13, 2009

Stairs and Trucks

We were walking to a restaurant this evening for a fish fry and Tom had Porter, while I carried the ever attached to my hip, Jack. Porter and Tom were walking a little bit ahead of us, and they saw a set of stairs. Here's the conversation:

Porter: Look at those big stairs.

Tom: Where do they go?

Porter: All the way to the top.

Love it! That's one of my favorite stories so far.

Today I tossed a truck towards the train table because Porter wasn't going to take it with him in the car. The truck sailed nicely through the air bounced off the train table and smashed into the window right behind it, sending a spiderweb of cracks through it. Not a pretty site. Yet another reason why I should not be allowed to do anything physical while pregnant. Seriously, who does that happen to? Oh, all this crap happens to ME! So, I lost it and started crying on our way to the Y. Porter was quite sad that I was sad and felt very badly for the poor window...

I think I need a day at the spa....

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