Monday, March 23, 2009

Land of Nod

In my constant desire to make the boys' rooms look like a page out of Pottery Barn Kids or Land of Nod (when in reality it is really from the clearance isle at Target) I have finally painted their rooms (with a little help from a friend, thanks Jenn) and am starting to hang things. The baby's room is green with the Alphabet on cards all around it. Porter and Jack's walls are blue with black, blue and red furniture and accents. We had a very successful trip to IKEA and got these great round rugs to cover the paint spill (thanks to those that suggested that idea!) We also got the boys new beds. I can't wait to have them all set up in their room before the baby gets here. Now if we could just figure out what to do about the guest room!

This little alphabet project has been a thorn in my side for quite some time. I tried to get them to hang on the wall with tape, clear sticky things, hold anything foam things, etc. but they kept falling down. Then Jenn and I were browsing the Land of Nod magazine and noticed they had the same letters hanging from these wires that they had draped around the room. Of course, being married to the man that I am, I said, "I can totally make that on my own and not have to pay a bunch of money for it." So, off I went to Michael's to get the materials. Of course the materials were $40 and the little clothespins I had to spray paint myself, but the work is done. We will now see how long until each and every letter is on the floor or behind the dresser, or stuck to Jack's head when he wakes up in the morning...


  1. do you mean Gus's head? The letters are in Gus's room, right!?

  2. Oh Yes, but Jack is still sleeping in there...
