Thursday, May 15, 2008

A whole new world of words

Porter has found the English Language. Yesterday he was holding a container of vaseline (which by the way always reminds me of my grandma Peg), and he said, "Mom, lipstick for my butt." So funny. I'm sure someone will be horrified that he said the word butt, but I don't care, we're working on basics here!

Last weekend we went to the cabin and saw Pop-pop Terry and Grandma Margie. This photo was taken on Saturday at a great little 1.5 mile trail that we hiked. Porter loves going up there and could hardly stand leaving. This weekend we are on our way to Fargo to run the half marathon with Sara and Lou and clean out Dad's supply of Fiestaware.

Still haven't sold the house - we will bury St. Joseph when we get the statue from Fargo!

We found out that Hospice of the Red River Valley will be unable to continue to put on Ride the Red in Fargo. Tom and I have decided that during September of every year we will continue to ride our bike along the river. We will also be donating money to Hospice during the month of September. If anyone is interested in joining us - feel free! The more the merrier.

That's all for now.

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