Sunday, May 18, 2008

We did it!

Although this blog is generally about the boys, I just had to post these pictures from the race. Sara and I ran the half marathon and Lou did the 5K. We all finished! Although none of us set a world record, we are pretty proud that we finished. And Lou, well she's proud that she ran all 3 miles! Way to go Lou!

Here we are before the race, and here we are after. The after picture was taken just seconds after I threw up in one of the many strategically placed garbage cans around the dome. It felt like I was pregnant all over again! To all those who are thinking about running long distances - do not eat the Quench gum, do not try to suck on a jolly rancher, and do not, whatever you do forget to charge your iPod! Although I said I didn't need to do it again, here I sit thinking about training for the Fargo Half next year, after both sisters said they would do it. I mean really, I got a cool shirt and a medal! Plus, I had a cheering section along the way. Also in the back of my mind is getting pregnant so I don't have to do it!!! Tom wasn't to keen on that idea.


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