Tuesday, April 29, 2008

So, last night I lost it and I'm completely okay with admitting it. Trying to sell our house, Porter being 2, and Jack being allergic to yet another antibiotic I was quite ready to throw in the towel. In fact, Tom came home early just to help me breathe! STOP, CALM DOWN, and THINK, that's what I tell the kids at school!

I always thought that being a mom, and a working one, would be hard but great. I still do, don't get me wrong, but, when kids hit you at school and run away from you and then you come home and your two year old hits you and says, "NOOOOO MOOOOMMMMM, STOOOPPPP MOOOMMMMM." And your one year old is screaming for no apparent reason it doesn't feel so great! If it wasn't for Jack screaming every time I set him down, I would have laughed at Porter. It's hard not to when he clenches his fists and teeth and tries to assert himself. Anyone else have any good stories about that?

Porter's vocabulary has really grown in the past few weeks - yesterday he said - "Punkin head, punkin head, where's punkin head?" Wanting to know where his Halloween bucket was! It was hilarious! And of course, Jack is practicing his words - I told him to say "Mama" and of course he said, "Dada"! Not fair.

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