Saturday, March 15, 2008

Reality of being a mom

Yesterday, I was in the GAP dressing room with both boys, Jack in the stroller, Porter crying next to me. Knowing what I know about the boys in a confined space I only had a few moments to try on the items I grabbed. So, I am standing in my skivvies and I look over at Porter and he is bent over the chair in the room, and he spits up. I thought, no big deal, and I grab a kleenex to wipe it up. As I am getting the stuff out of the bag, he pukes again! This time, all over the floor, then again in my hands and then again on the floor as I am trying to clean up. At that point I am standing there practically naked with vomit all over my hands and Porter crying/screaming with vomit pouring out of his mouth. I quickly got myself dressed, vomit still in my hands, and stripped Porter of his clothes. I poked my head out for an employee and fortunately they were very understanding and I didn't have to worry about cleaning anything up. They even rinsed out Porter's clothes for me. I did have to walk from one end of the mall to the other to buy Porter a new shirt to wear home, and strangely, no one stared at me or whispered behind my back as I carried my half-naked crying son through the mall..... Unfortunately Porter threw up in the car all over his new shirt, and then again every half hour until 4:30 in the morning. Fun.

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