Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jack's turning 1, our house is for sale, the changing room at Gap is still out of order!

So, most importantly, Lindsay and I were at the Gap where Porter threw up, and the changing room still had an 'Out of Order' sign on it! Three weeks later! Oops.

Jack turns one next Sunday. Here's a couple pictures of him from yesterday. He learned how to drink out of a straw! He's getting so big. He loves to bite Tom's nose, probably because he has 4 teeth coming in! We won't be having a party for him. Of course, I am feeling guilty, but everyone asks me if I remember my first birthday, and that it really isn't that big of a deal. But, Porter had one, so I feel like Jack should have one too.

Here's Porter making his favorite face - rolling his eyes - seriously, he's two and he already rolls his eyes at us! I love this picture.

After the most painful last two weeks, with all of us having the stomach flu and both boys having ear infections - we are all finally healthy and getting ready to go to the Wisconsin Dells for a night and then on to Milwaukee to check out the town.

My dad just got back from an amazing trip to Costa Rica with Sara and my aunt and uncle. He's hoping to move down there in the fall. We were so lucky to have him stay with us before and after the trip. He said it was fantastic. Here they are with Poppop after they got their presents - Porter hasn't quite figured out how to smile for the camera without looking like he's pooping. And Jack loves to have his picture taken, but this was during the miserable time period of ear infections and new teeth!

All for now. Love, Kirsten

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