Friday, February 22, 2008


Porter is just starting to use real words, and real sentences, and as I sit here typing he is running around the house with a piece of bread in his hand (I thank my mom for that type of snack!), saying, "No Ruff-Ruff, Nooooo!!!" As Millie calmly follows Porter around trying to catch any driblit of food that she can. This is a daily routine in our house.

Jack has found the ability to stand up on his own, wave, clap and say mama, at least that's what I think he is saying (that's right, he's a little genius...). Porter has cleverly found a way to take toys away from Jack and give Jack the crap toy that he doesn't want.

As a school counselor, I see tons of different issues, and I often come home and remind myself that, although Jack is getting all his baby teeth at once, and wakes up at 5 am, that's right, 5 am, AND he and Porter have either both or one or the other, had an ear infection since November, we have it pretty good.

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