Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Painting a Campaign Dresser

I have been on the hunt for a campaign dresser to paint for about a year now. For some reason they are hard to come by here in Wisco. But, I randomly (doesn't it always happen that way!?) stopped at a garage sale a few weekends ago and this popped out at me. It was kismet (That's the term, right?)

It's in fantastic shape! I couldn't wait to get started. I posted it to Facebook (Do you follow White Butterfly Furniture on Facebook? You should.) and it was snatched up quickly.

On this piece the pulls came out and the metal decorative corner pieces were attached with tiny little nails. You ever so gently pry them off. I just stuck a flathead screwdriver behind them and carefully took them off.

I primed it and painted it with a flat white paint and then waxed it. For some reason I am loving flat paint right now.

(Those flowers came from my hubby for our Anniversary!)

I absolutely love how it turned out. I am thrilled with it. I love the brass with the white.

Side note: The client this is going to had to have emergency surgery, so send a little prayer out to her.


  1. That looks fantastic. It's amazing how paint can change a piece of campaign furniture!

  2. You know, I probably have never thought of painting a campaign dresser and I've painted and sold furniture for years. Great work. I'm sure the client will adore this. Wishing her a safe recovery!

  3. This is an incredible transformation! Paint works wonders, and I'm so on a white furniture kick right now!

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wow, that turnd out gorgeous! Very nice transformation!

  5. I am so jealous! First because you found a campaign piece in such awesome condition and second because of the fantasti job you did. Your client will have something to look forward to after her surgery. God bless both of you.
