Monday, May 23, 2011

Little Red Table

I painted this little desk for a client. I picked it up at a yard sale held by a woman that cleans out foreclosures. I think I found a new friend.

This had seen better days. I had to work a little magic on her. I asked hubs to help me, but he was really busy last week with a huge project at work and I really wanted to see if I could fix it up myself. So, I used the Kreg Jig and my new Mikita Drill (Did I tell you I got my own drill? Anniversary present. Yeah me!) I tried to fix it and the screw wasn't going in all the way. I conferenced with hubs and he suggested I turn up my clutch (whatever that means...) I did it. It worked. I fixed the table. Almost all by myself! Hooray!

The fantastic client that wanted this decided on Barn Red by Martha Stewart. Love.

I love it. I love the pull. I love the color. Just love it. It took less than a sample size and a little wax. I wasn't careful of the application. It helps to make it look older if you kind of just slop it on (in all technical sense of the word) Then lightly distressed. Waxed with a piece of drop cloth, then wiped it the next day.

It seems technical, but waxing is actually much easier than poly and I love the outcome so much more. I just use Minwax Paste Wax in clear.

Isn't she fantastic?!


  1. Love the color and I'm falling in love with wax myself.

  2. This is the exact kind of table I will rearrange my whole house to find a place for. Beautiful work and your client picked my favorite color. I actually keep a gallon of this in the garage for miscellaneous frames, bookshelves and the like!

  3. I love this color. The wax was a great finish to put on it. Did you actually use sample paint? I was wondering if you find sample paints less durable? It seems to rub off easier for me when I go to wax on top of it. Just wondered if you have that problem.
