Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A few more questions answered!

It's the Ides of March. Thank you to my Latin teachers in high school (4 years, thankyouverymuch) for helping me remember this day forever.

Oh, guilt. I knew a little whining and guilt would bring you out! Don't be shy! I eventually get back to you. I'm a friendly sort of gal, I think! Don't worry about asking dumb questions or making dumb comments....I do it every.single.day. It's true. Sometimes I want to knock my head against a wall for embarrassing myself so often....

So, I got a few more responses with some more questions, so I thought I would answer them!

Can you walk us through the steps in how you paint?

Yes I can. Maybe I'll do a video!

Say...if it previously had paint on it, do you strip it or sand it? or just prime and go?

I don't typically strip paint off unless it is really, really bad, or I am going to stain the top. I don't want to mess with the previous paint, mainly because I have no idea how old it is and what kind of paint it was. I usually just work with what I've got. Sometimes I will sand things if they have a bunch of gunk and crap on the top, but I like pieces that have "stories". I'm all about the stories. If it's old, and there are layers of paint, I won't do anything but run some sandpaper over it to smooth things out, then paint. Sometimes I don't even prime! Most of the time I do though.

What about if it's wood and not painted before?

It really depends on the wood. Sometimes I don't want the white primer to come through when I distress it, so I won't prime it. If there is some serious glossy shine to it, then I will prime it, lightly sand the primer smooth, wipe the dust off and then paint.

Do you strip the stain off? 

Nope, no stripping of stain. If I am going to re-stain it, I use my belt sander or my palm sander. I'm about to go and buy an orbital sander because they are better. If I am just going to paint it, I usually prime and then paint.

and then....do you mostly spray or brush? 

I mostly spray.  I like the convenience. It is so quick and the results are instant. I'm all about quick results. There are pieces that I know will look better with a brush on paint, I actually like the look of brushed on paint. I have a sprayer that hooks up to our air compressor and I promised myself that this spring I would learn how to use it. So that's my goal.

Do you always prime? I want a good finish when I start doing this, one that won't scratch off (of course). 
I don't always prime. It depends on the piece and the look I want. If I want it to get more chippy and more distressed, I won't prime. If it's a piece that I know will accept paint easily, then I won't prime. It's hard to know. When in doubt, prime! Then sand the primer lightly and wipe off the dust before you start painting.

A few more!

1. what's your favorite camera lens?
I have one lens, my 18-55 mm that came with my Canon Digital Rebel XT. I would like a 35mm. I think that I would get some good furniture shots with that. And maybe the Canon 60d or 7d. I mean, mine is already out-dated. But, it works for us right now. A good cleaning would probably help!

2. what's your favorite blog to follow for DIYers
Mine. Duh! There are so many. I don't follow a ton of DIY blogs. I like to see before and afters, those are my favorites! 

3. what do you prefer: spray painting furniture or brush painting? 
I prefer to spray, for purely selfish reasons! It's quick and you get instant results.

4. what's your favorite brand of spray paint?
I generally only use Rustoleum. I love it. I use some colors in Krylon, but I just really like the coverage of Rustoleum and I can use my little hand sprayer that attaches to the can and it makes it easier on my arm.

5. what's your favorite brand of paint?
I like Behr paint and primer in one. I'm not really picky. I use a lot of oops paints. I really like Martha Stewart's samples! I've heard lots of great things about Sherwin Williams paint, but I've never used it.

6. do you still have dogs? i never hear about them!
Oh yes, we still have dogs. Rosie and Millie. The little rascals just ran outside, got all muddy, came in and ran all over my couch. Awesome.

There you have it. More answers to what you are dying to know. Thanks for letting me whine a little and giving in!

1 comment:

  1. OH thank you! You're awesome for answering all my painting questions! :) I've been dying to know the "process" of a good furniture refinisher....not just any one....one that I've been watching for a while!
