Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mom Ramblings #18

1. I'm still in my pj's.

2. I finally lost the candy corn addition to my thighs. Thank goodness for Weight Watchers and counting points. Brings me back to reality. Just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

3. I stayed up late reading Dave Ramsey's The Total Money Makeover. And now all I want to do is pay off my student loans....like, tomorrow.

4. The kids went trick or treating. The pictures did not turn out. See:

(The little princess fairy is our neighbor. Isn't she a cutie-patootie?!)

5. I took down all of our Halloween decorations on the 31st. We trick-or-treat the Saturday before Halloween, so there really was no reason for them to be up....Tom thought that wasn't very cool.

6. I painted our Family Room. Again. I love it.

7. I'm still avoiding painting the trim.


  1. I need to paint my trim and beams in my family room. I have some time off after Christmas. I am thinking of tackling it then. I am so scared of all the hardwork though. But I am tired of seeing the orange trim in my pics. I have it in my kitchen. It doesn't bother me in there.

  2. i always love reading these- even if i don't always comment on them. my kids went out trick or treating with my husband.... i contemplated taking down the decor in between answering the door to trick or treaters... so i feel ya! can't wait to see the new room color!

  3. I agree with you, why be all decorated and cute if Halloween is over for you? We brought our pumpkins in so it wouldn't deceive trick-or-treaters (we weren't home) and so angry kids wouldn't smash them (there were sadly many pumpking smashings in the neighborhood). That had been the extent of our decorating.

  4. Yeah, I had my debt free plan for 2010, just renamed the spreadsheet, debt free by 2011. I did make some progress.
