Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Transition of a half bath.

I'm the type of person that will paint a room a hundred times until I really like it. Or, I like it and then a year later, I'm sick of it and so I'll paint it again.

Hubby. Hates. Painting. So, I don't even talk to him about it, I just do it.

I was sick of the color of our half bath right off the kitchen. When we first moved in it was a deep dark mauve. In a tiny little space. It made it feel even smaller. Then I painted it this tanish green. Not bad, but not what I was looking for, but it stayed that way for awhile.

This was the mirror I put in because I didn't like the plain oval mirror that the builder put up.

This was a big ol' antique mirror that I found for six bucks, painted it white, decided I didn't like it white and then painted it ORB. It stayed that way for quite awhile.

Then I changed out that mirror a few weeks ago to this smaller white one (of course I painted it white, it used to be just a basic wood.)

So this is what this bathroom has looked like for awhile now.

Gus apparently hated the color of the bathroom.

Because I am a person of change. I like it. I thrive off of it. Truthfully, I get bored and need to do something, so I paint. I grabbed my favorite Behr Antique White and a custom mixed blue that I can't remember the name of and I'm too lazy to go and look back and find it, but it was on a couple of pieces I did last year.

I also took some 1 x 4 and quickly nailed (with my pneumatic nailer) it into the wall at a random height. I did use the laser level to make sure it was semi-straight.

And here's the result so far.
Tom came home and the first thing he said was, "Wow. I like the bathroom." So, in my book that's a good thing. When he actually notices a change, then I know I've done good.

I'm on the hunt for a new cool light fixture, as this one just doesn't fit the space anymore. It's actually a rusty brown color. I'm looking for a brushed nickel or something, i think.

And, I'm thinking of hanging some hooks on the trim and putting some pictures or jars or something on them. It just needs a little more detail. Otherwise, I'm enjoying it.

And, off to paint trim. I have a deadline of having it all painted by Thanksgiving. Slowly but surely. Slowly but surely....


  1. Me likey. Me want a pneumatic nailer thing. And your cutey patootie son.

  2. Looks great and I think hooks on the trim will look awesome, and also give it some added touch of character.

  3. I get bored with our decor very quickly!! Things are always changing around here. I love the addition of trim to your room.
    xo, Sherry

  4. Looks great! Your bath looks to be the same size as the one we just put in. I used a blue above also. Great minds think a like!
