Monday, October 25, 2010

State of my garage.

This is the current state of the third stall of our garage. There are some pieces of furniture in there.
Hubby is trying to figure out how to heat this space so I can paint in there. We would love to build a shed, but our association won't allow it....I wonder if concessions can be made?

Remember this dresser that I asked you about? I was tempted to paint it aqua or teal with a chalkboard top, but ended up with a different color.

I decided to go for gray with a little smoke glaze on the side.

So sorry about the garage picture. Okay, no I'm not.  This is just real life.

As soon as I convince hubs to extend our wood planks to the entry as well, I will have a better place to photograph the pieces. Until then, enjoy the garage photos!


  1. I don't see any harm in approaching the HOA about an exception ... there are certainly options that could make a difference to them, such as offering to plant mature landscaping on the sides or even shingling it to make it look more "at home" in your neighborhood. If the allow children's playhouses, for example, they might be willing to accommodate your request for a prettier-than-average shed. Good luck!

  2. Oh, I meant to leave this in my comment earlier, but the Petersiks over at Young House Love just installed a one-room heater in their sunroom. It wasn't too expensive, so it might work for you guys ... here's the link:

  3. Hey your garage looks better than ours!! It is hard to find a warm place to paint in the winter in
    Ohio also. You do really good work, keep it up!
