Saturday, September 4, 2010

Porter's 5th Birthday

My first born turns FIVE today. Oh, goodness.

Yeah, that's right. It was hotter than hell being that pregnant during the hottest summer ever recorded in the history of the world. Seriously, Al Gore said so. Thank you honey for documenting this moment.

I remember the day he was born. I remember waking up on his due date and having contractions at six o'clock in the morning. I wonder if this means he will be a prompt person. 

Born on his due date. I think that it happens to five percent of births. Seriously.

(My parents, aren't they cute!?)

My parents and one of my sisters were here because of the labor day holiday and my birthday and his potential birth.

How fantastic that it could all happen so perfectly. A total first born thing. 

I had an epidural with him and right after I vowed to never have an epidural again. I hated it. The epidural worked, but I didn't like not being able to move around. Or feel my legs. Or get up right after and eat a cheeseburger. Minus the burger. So, I was miserable and it was horrible. And I didn't have another one.

It was a glorious and scary day. I loved him dearly, but to be perfectly honest, I wanted him to be back in my belly. I SO wasn't ready. Can you ever be totally ready? 

 (That's my Grandma, isn't she cute!?)

No one tells you the truth about sleepless nights and the actual feeling of your body physically hurting so badly from the lack of sleep. Dear God. It's a good thing that our memories in the area of labor and newborns are so poor, because I would NEVER have had any other children if I could honestly remember how bad it was.

(Tom's parents and his Grandma, aren't they cute!?)


No one told me he was going to grow up. And go to school to have "me" time and ride his bike without training wheels and ride the bus with all his friends.

No one tells you that you will be so proud of your child you will cry. No one tells you that your heart will physically hurt for them when they are hurt. Why doesn't anyone tell you that stuff?

(That hubby sure is a hottie. And look at that cute P-town!)

No one told me when he cried, I would cry and when he laughs and giggles, I would laugh and giggle too. 

No one told me that having a baby actually meant having a child, a person that will count on you for absolutely everything...until they turn 5 and refuse to stop growing because they want to be big and become a garbage truck driver. Stupid cool green garbage trucks.

They tell you it is the greatest thing in the entire world, and you know what, they are right. They are so totally right. 

I love you dear Porter. 

Please don't grow up. 

Please tell me everything. 

Please continue to snuggle with me and your white blankie.

Fine, if you must, go ahead and get big. I dare you.

Happy 5th Birthday little dude. We are so proud of you and everything you have done in the last 5 years! I can't wait to see what the next 50 years brings for you! You're the coolest. xoxo, Mommy

PS - Thanks for all the birthday wishes! xoxo


  1. Happy Birthday Porter!

    BTW, I'm pretty sure it should be illegal to be that cute in a bikini while pregnant. Just sayin'.

  2. Aww Happy Birthday Porter!! 5 is exciting!! It's such a BIG birthday! I feel like it's when they turn in to a big kid almost! My daughter just turned 5 and just statred Kindergarten!! I'm just wondering where the time has gone :( Have a great Birthday and a Great Weekend!

  3. Happy Birthday little man! You're the leader of the pack. The one that breaks mom's heart first with all of your firsts. It's gets a little bit easier with the other kids. Okay, I lied, it doesn't, maybe just a little. They'll all break your heart and you'll wonder where the years have gone. Hold on tight!

  4. Happy birthday to the little have beautiful children!! As the mom of two boys, myself, your post made me cry! Enjoy every minute with them, because it's true what people say.....they grow up so fast. Seems like just yesterday that my youngest was May he was married! Now I'm looking forward to grand babies......and I've already put my order in for a girl!!

  5. What a sweetheart! He is precious. Happy birthday to your adorable son. Hope he has a wonderful day. Enjoy the weekend celebration. Love & blessings from NC!
