Friday, September 3, 2010

My Birthday Ramblings.

Today. Is. My. 34th. Birthday. In honor of this day, I will do a birthday rambling instead of a mom rambling.

1. It's kind of a bittersweet day. It often gets lost with the start of fall and the first days of school. It also gets lost because my fantastic first born has a birthday the day after. Which makes labor day ever single year a fun time for us!

2. I don't love getting older, but I've learned to embrace my age. I actually never want to be much younger. Well, maybe I want the body of younger...not younger me though! Younger someone that had a better body than me! Because I'm actually happy with the body I have now. It's better than the younger me body. Stronger. It's been through more. It knows what it can do. (I mean, I did birth three children. Two sans drugs! What can I say, I'm proud of that!) 

3. I'm learning to love my crow's feet (they are there!) and the wrinkle between my eye brows. And I'm learning to pluck my gray hairs (or cover them, whatev). I'm embracing my old lady hand veins. (They look just like my mom's did!)

4. I'm also learning that with age I have no patience for ignorance and I'm starting to actually take a stand on issues instead of sitting on the fence through life.

5. I listen to NPR. Holy crap.

6. I read Reader's Digest. Holy crap.

7. I wear tennis shoes with jeans.

8. I still get pimples. (I'm NOT okay with that!)

9. I have a little pouch that won't go away no matter how much I run and only gets bigger when I eat a whole jar of cake frosting (Not that I do that.)

10.I say "I want" and "I need" a lot. That's annoying.

11. I'm trying to simplify what we have. And teach my boys the difference between wanting things, and needing things. Ha. I'm trying to teach myself as well.

12. I wish it would rain.

13. I want another baby.

14. I need to wash my hair.

15. I'm back running and it feels good. Can't wait to train for something again.

16. Tom keeps asking me what I'm going to do when the kids go to school all day. I keep thinking, "holy crap - what AM I going to do?" I have no idea. Take a shower, I guess.

17. I wish I had more to say.

18. This is what my living room looks like right now:

Are you kidding me?! Get a maid!

19. I wish I had a maid.

20. And a chef. To cook me only healthy meals. And cookies. And pie. And cake. 

21. I never want to be 21 again.

22. I loved being 22. 

23. I'm done. Thank you all for reading and following and being my "blogging friends". Keep laughing with me or at me, either one. Keep crying with me. And I'll just try and keep up.


  1. Happy Birthday, love your birthday ramblings.

  2. Happy Birthday :-) I agree, life has gotten better with age, although I'd take my 22-year old metabolism back. (That's about the only thing I'd like to keep from my 22-yr old self.)

  3. Happy Birthday friend! I, too, don't mind getting older, better with age, right? Love you!

  4. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day and a great holiday weekend. Enjoy each age of life... they are all special in their own way. I need a maid too and I don't even have children at home. Heading out to clean now. Love & blessings from NC!

  5. Happy Birthday! Yes, gray hair and wrinkles suck. Just think of them as gifts from your kids.

    And look how great that sideboard looks amongst all that mess!

  6. Happy Birthday!!!! I turned 33 this July. I kept saying 33? 33?!?! Then I realized, like you, I actually like a lot more things about myself now than I did about my younger self. And the lines and pudge...just battle wounds in the trials and tribs of life. Be proud of them mama! You look fantastic and those boys are so cute....I try to squeeze them through my screen some times. ;)

    Have a wonderful day!

  7. Happy Birthday! Thanks for your list...its awesomely transparent!

  8. Happy Birthday. I turned 40 this year and love it. My mind has come to a peace at 40 that I have never experienced. I also run and I am proud that I am more fit at 40than I was at 20. I hope you have a great day.

  9. happy happy birthday to you! you are beautiful and your list was absolutely perfect! you are so inspiring!

  10. Happy birthday! I've mentioned a couple of times lately on my blog that I'm not smart enough to enjoy listening to NPR. I'm smart enough to UNDERSTAND it, but apparently not smart enough to ENJOY it. So kudos to you! You go rock that NPR on your birthday. ;)

  11. Happy Birthday and have a be good to yourself day!!!

  12. I am right there with you all the way, did get a shower though this am, not without thinking that my kids would tear apart the house in the ten minutes that I took time for myself. Pop on TV and they were in the zone. Happy Birthday to you and I hope you have a wonderful and successful year with your furniture. I turn 35 this year and start working eight hours a week for a friend in the furniture biz. It will happen.

  13. Happy Birthday! Love the ramblings - I do it to myself all the time!!!

  14. Happy, happy birthday! Have another baby; you won't regret it.

  15. A very Happy Birthday to you! Your honesty is a breath of fresh air.

  16. happy birthday, kirsty! i like to reminisce about when i was 20 or so and i wanted to look good in my jeans... i could just eat barely anything for the day and look great by night... now i would have to eat minimally for about 3 weeks for that to have any effect at all! plus, i want to have cookies with my kids and eat jars of frosting with them... not that we do that either.

  17. Happy birthday, Kirsty! I'm right there with you on several of those!

  18. Happy Belated Birthday!!!! You share a birthday with my son, it's a great day!

  19. happy belated birthday, birthday twin! got behind on blogs over the holiday weekend :)
