Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jack's first day.

This is Jack. He likes chips and fast cars. He likes to wear cowboy shoes with shorts. He has the best facial expressions on any person I have ever met in my entire 34 years. Honest to goodness. Greatest.

He started pre-school yesterday.

He thinks he's all big and cool like his brother. 

He is.

This is me. 

I'm crying (but not in this picture. Here I'm peeing my pants.)

I'm sad. 

I can hardly stand it.

If only my boys would stop growing up, then I wouldn't have to either. 

And I could hold them and cuddle them and not worry about buying three gallons of milk a day because if they continue to grow they will each be drinking a gallon a day. 

Lord help me.

Did I mention I need another?


  1. Aside from wrinkles, gray hair, them not needing you as much, the sneaking out at night, girls that break their heart, learning to drive, going off to college and a few others...it will be alright.

  2. Mother love is such a universal thing. When passionate mom's talk about mothering they always say exactly what I feel!

    A few years back I had two teenage sons in the house (and four younger children). We went through eight gallons of milk every five days!! People would stop me in the store and ask if I was buying for a day care!

    Hang on to those sweet boys!

  3. Yep, they grow FAST. WAY too fast. My little blond, blue-eyed full-of-personality boy is now 24, married, a musician, and computer wiz. *sigh*

    Your son is gorgeous, and I want to squeeze his cheeks. Really badly.

  4. Go ahead. Have another. I give you permission. :)

  5. Oh hon....went through this last week. The killer was when B just walked away hand and hand with his teacher, turning his back to me without a care in the world. Mean...plain ol' mean! I headed straight to Starbucks to drown my sorrows the grown up mommy way. :)

    If only you lived a teensy bit closer we could totally "hug it out" as they say.

  6. Oh, preschool is hard! As is watching them grow up too fast. But it's so great to see their excitement!
