Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Boys' Dresser

A few of you asked questions regarding the pink dresser (which by the way is still for sale for you locals!)....

"How did you get that crackle" professional answer is... I'm not a professional. But here's what I've found. Now, honestly, I only pretend to be totally professional, sometimes things just happen. Like crackle.

So, you can achieve crackle a couple of different ways. One, use some magic potion that crackles it for you, use thinned elmer's glue after your first layer of paint. I'm not so sure about this one, but, that's what I've heard.

Third, spray paint your very old, patina'd dresser without primer or cleaning it off.

When spray paint doesn't adhere properly it gets that crackle look. It happens to me sometimes when I don't clean something properly or if I don't clean it at all. Sometimes it happens on primed pieces, sometimes on new pieces. It's really quite frustrating sometimes, but most of the time I just work with it and I love the end result.

I know that doesn't really help, and probably takes away all of my credibility, but that's what happens. Happenstance.

And so, now I have a dresser to show you. If you can stand to see another transformation from a fraud. That's me, the fraud. :)

This was the dresser I picked up for the kids' room. Nothing major, just boring. I wanted something low so that the boys could get their own clothes out of the dresser instead of climbing up the dresser to get their stuff.

Of course I used the belt sander to get that top off. Hello! Look at the top. It's prime top for stain!

Painted the base and drawers white. Stained the top ebony.

Ummm...right, ignore that white stuff on the driveway....we're resurfacing it soon....I promise. I did get a little teeny tiny scolding. But, to defend myself, it was kind of windy and the plastic I had down wasn't staying down....are you buying that?

Then. THEN. Then then then. I ordered some fantastically amazing pulls from ebay. They got here so quick, they are gorgeous and they were less than two bucks each. I had to make new holes on the top two drawers, but otherwise they were going to work. I thought. The screws were too long, the pulls were a little too wide. I got replacement screws but guess what?! The heads of the screws are too small and go right through the holes! Ugghh!

After three weeks, yes, three weeks, I finally got some washers for the screws and put those on and it is good to go.

I'm lovin' it. Look at those pulls! So cool. And more importantly, my boys aren't climbing up the sides and front of a dresser to get to their underoos. 

And, I'm linking up to my friend Cassie over at Primitive & Proper for her first ever link up party for just furniture! Check it out. She rocks. Those furniture redos are awe inspiring. Piece of Work Wednesday.


  1. kirsty- love the contrast of hte dark top. gorgeous! i started a new furniture redo only party which is going on now... come link up!

  2. That ebony stain is just to die for! Can you please tell me exactly what brand/color name it is? Thanks!

  3. My new favorite! My new favorite! (I feel like this is my comment about every two weeks or so.)

  4. I really love what you did with this piece. I'm into dark tops these days :)

  5. That's gorgeous! I love those handles.

    So you just don't wash an old piece and it sometimes does that cool crackle? Glue does work, but it doesn't look quite like that.

  6. I love how your dresser came out! I have bought many handles and knobs on ebay. I am amazed how nice they are and at a great price!

  7. Thanks for the tips. However it happened on the pink dresser, it's beautiful! And the boys dresser came out fantastic. Great handles for the boys, too!

  8. This dresser is PERFECT for some little boys! Great job. And if you are a fraud so am I :-) I never do things by the book...ha. It makes things more interesting! Great job!

  9. Oh...and I am your newest follower :-) came over from Cassie's link party...

  10. I use the elmers crackle trick. If you put it on thinly, you get a bit of crackle. If you put it on thick, you get big crackle. It's pretty fun to goof around with :)

    Your boy's dresser is fab....aren't pulls a pain? Glad you stuck with the ones you got 'cause they look amazing with the dark stained top!

  11. Oh, I love the 2 toned look! And the pulls are FABULOUS! Great job.

  12. Ashley - welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy!

    sarjobran - I couldn't email you back, so I hope you get this here, but the stain is Minwax in Ebony.
