Friday, September 17, 2010


I've never been to a drag race. Seriously. It has never been on my list of "Things I want to do in my life".

But, we've got relatives in high places and boys that love fast off we went to some races.
Holy buckets. It was so fun!

We got in our gear.

Big ole' ear protection for the kids. And some for us too.

We watched fast hot rods and "funny cars" until our bodies shook.

We ate tons of chips and fantastic food. 

We even had our picture taken by a "fast car" (that's what Jack calls them).

And we got to meet a driver! "Fast Jack" is one great guy!

I'm pretty sure this face says it all. 

We had a fantastic time. We were thoroughly surprised at what a great experience it was. Thank you to everyone that had a part in this very special birthday treat for our big 5 year old!

1 comment:

  1. I grew up in Indy and remember going to the track every year for the 500 time trials. It was like magic to me. Great memories!

    Now I'm in Fort Wayne (2 hours north), but my folks still live in a northern suburb of Indy, so we still get to go sometimes :)
