Monday, September 20, 2010

Halloween Pumpkins

Or as I like to call it, Copying.

I will be the first to admit that when I see a great idea I immediately want to copy it. Then I do. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, anyone remember my sad little trees?

Not so good, eh?! Erin, from Lemon Tree Creations has this twine thing down! Someone was having a "craft fail" party. I should have linked that one up! Oh, the fails, they are abundant! I'm sure I'll have more this holiday season too.

But, here's one that I think turned out pretty well. So, without further adieu here is my shameless copy of my friend Kellie's (from This Blessed Nest)fantastically amazing Halloween pumpkin stairs...

I took a bazillion five dollar pumpkins purchased from Wally World taped off the stems and spray painted them white, okay, it was only nine...just nine pumpkins. 

First I primed them. Then I sprayed them white. Well...I primed most of them. I ran out of primer with two pumpkins left. Bummer. I know which ones weren't you? 

Then I got out my Cricut cutting machine. I had some Wall Pops (It's just vinyl. Almost like drawer liner, but a little thicker, you can use drawer liner too, I've done it. Works great!) from Home Depot that I hadn't used yet, so I pulled those out and cut out the letters H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N. Just in case you need to know how to spell it. (I don't know how many times I said it in my head and counted out the letters and the pumpkins. I'm a freak.)

This part is boring, but someone may care, I used Jack Sprat at cut depth 2 and 5 inch letters. It worked perfectly and I even have a cut out of the letters I can use somewhere else.

The wall pops are great because they can be pulled up and moved if they need to be. Easy as pie.
Here they are on the stairs. Lookin' pretty good!

Now, this isn't just like Kellie's, I mean she's fancy. Me, not so much. I can't be just like her. Although I would like her curly hair. And her cute chalkboard hall. Yes, that's right, a hall. The whole hall.

Seriously. Did I spell that right? You know how some things just don't look right....that's this word for me right now.

And now, the stairs.

I know Halloween isn't for over a month, but the boys have already been dressing up in their costumes, so I just couldn't resist putting these up.

Then, because I just can't quit, I grabbed some tea lights, the fake kind, that have that little pretend flicker....

Of course, no photo op is complete without some goofy faced kids:

Thanks for the great idea Kellie! I love how it turned out!



  1. Very cool! I want a cricut in the worst way. Maybe Santa will be very good to me this year?

  2. uh...fantastic! p.s. You copy her, I copy you lets just all be copiers!

  3. Very cool! I have never tried to cut anything other than paper with my Cricut.
    I love your blog and have been reading for awhile. I know you posted about getting the sku info for the Mary Jane confetti fabric. I looked at my Joanns and of course they don't have it but told me they could order with the information. Was hoping to get that info. from you!
    Thanks for your help!!
    Traci from Virginia :)

  4. very cute Kirsty


    barbara jean

  5. OMG!!!!

    these look fantastic! don't you just love them???? you are too kind. i love that you liked mine so much you wanted to do your own!
    highest form of compliment.
    thanks friend, for the shout out!

    enjoy your week.

    thanks for linking up.

  6. Love 'em! I'll be waiting for the reveal of your chalkboard hall:)

  7. I wish I had a staircase to do this :) Super cute...and cutie patootie boys!!! I have two myself. Great job.

  8. that looks great, especially with those votives. they're those battery ones, right? they totally make it. i need to stock up on pumpkins when they're on clearance, for sure!

    ps-your stairs are gorgeous!

  9. very cute! i love how plain ol pumpkins can become so chic and fun!

  10. Love these! I might be a little...or a lot...jealous of your wood stairs.

  11. Love these! I might be a little...or a lot...jealous of your wood stairs.
