Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hello Blue Eyes.



  1. Kirsty! He's so cute! How do you do anything but kiss his cheeks all day long??

  2. Suzanne said exactly what I was thinking! Cutie patootie!

  3. What an adorable kid! Seriously he's gonna be a heartbreaker when he grows up!

  4. He is so adorable! I have really enjoyed seeing him grow up over the past several months that I've been reading your blog. I only recently signed up on Blogger and became an actual "follower", but have been following your blog via my favorites for quite some time. I have to tell you, your blog is my absolute favorite. I enjoy your humor and the hilarious stories you tell of your adventures of decorating. So I just wanted you to know, that sometimes when I'm having a crap-tacular day, I can get a good laugh from your blog, so thank you!
