Friday, May 7, 2010

I finally did it.

You told me to do it.

You told me it would look great.

You told me to stop being a chicken.

I stopped.

Here's the thing. In my world I have to just go for it. Usually without planning and generally on a whim. Hence how the kitchen got a new coat of paint.

And the upstairs hallway and soon the foyer too. I was browsing the oops paint at HD and found a gallon of Antique White Behr paint in Eggshell. It was like it was meant to be! So here was how the day went.

Paint desk. While waiting for that to dry, paint first coat of paint on upstairs hallway. While waiting for that to dry paint....wait for it...wait for it....yep.....the stringer (the side trim) up the stairs. I just went for it. There was no thinking about it. I just did it.

Then the kids woke up and I had to quit for awhile, but then I threw them some supper and tossed them in bed for the night and finished up the hallway and the stairs.

Can I ask you something?! WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG?! Seriously. WHY? I think I was afraid it would look ridiculous. It doesn't. It looks freaking fantastic. I love it. So crisp and clean and ties everything together!

Want to see it?

Here's the hallway. It's hard to take a photo of a hallway. Have you tried? Strange. But, if you look to the right, you can see the yellow color that graces our foyer. This dark mustard was on the hallway too and it made it feel so tight. Now, seriously, it feels spacious. I KNOW! So weird. I love how paint can do that.

This is the top of the stairs. Almost looks like the color of our off-white switch plates. Almost.

Okay, enough suspense.

Here's the stairway. Seriously. Gorgeous.



I am so glad I took the plunge! I am so happy with it. It just turned out so well! Seriously. It really does tie everything together. Seriously. Let's say it again. Seriously.

Ignore the end pieces of the landing. I'm still trying to figure out what to do there.

I'm so happy with it!


  1. Fantastic. Seriously. Fantastic! I predict that you have caught the paint the trim bug. Yup, I see more paint in your future. Tell me though, why is the wall at the top left of the stairs complete in the before but not complete in the after? Looks to be the same color but may be the lighting. Yes, hallways are hard to capture!

  2. It looks so pretty. I love the after! Have a great weekend!

  3. Such a huge difference!! It looks gorgeous! I am going to have a lot of painting to do very soon when we move into our new place (8 days and counting) hopefully I will make this baby come on time by painting like a mad woman! Great job rock!

  4. I used Behr Antique white in all our hallways and the entire inside of the garage, it is an awesome shade! Great job.

  5. Don't forget to cross it off of your to do list!!! Yay for another accomplished "have done"!

  6. Oh Andrea! Thank you for reminding me! I crossed it off and a few others too!

    Anita - I think it was just the lighting that made the wall look painted already. We painstakingly did it on Friday and yesterday. Ugh...more on that to come!
