Thursday, April 29, 2010

We've been busy.

We spent a few fantastic days in a faraway state to celebrate a first communion and hang with the fam. We had a fantastic time!

Right before we got in the car this happened:

I walked in from the garage and found him this way. The camera happened to be close by and I couldn't resist. He didn't seem to mind the spicy hot, hot tamales. In fact, he ate many....

J foolin' around. Always.

P learned to ride this:

Even T got involved in the fun. Thank goodness for helmets!

Tiny G didn't seem to thrilled with this trick....

Then, the big boys got to go to see some horses. Shhh...we snuck in very stealthily in the mini-van...with our fabulous tour guide. P was thrilled and wanted to stay and look at all the horses. He was amazed. We even got to see brand new babes.

I'm not sure who was more excited about being there. The kids or me....


  1. Your kids are so cute! I can't believe little Gus liked those things! I got my blog up and running, sort of, stop by and say hi when you get a chance :)

  2. Love the fun family pics! I've said it before, but your boys are adorable!

  3. LOVE those family pics! You look gorgeous!!! Thats hilarious about Gus and the hot tamales...I love those fact I think I ate an entire box by myself when I went to a movie the last time. That was a major tummy ache! lol

  4. Your boys are adorable!
    And I LOVE the pictures of the little foals- too darling!

  5. I'm glad you're back ... I missed reading your posts each morning.
