Monday, April 26, 2010

A story in photos

P: Look mom, Gus can stand!

G: Look mom, I'm standing. And a little freaked out...

P: See, he's doing it. And I'm smiling for the camera.

P: Okay, stop grabbing my ear, Gus.

P: Can you take a step, Gus?

P: Did you have too much to drink, Gus? Too much Benadryl?

G: Give me a hug...

Okay, seriously cute photo.

P: We're falling over...

G: I'm going to bite your face now. Don't worry, it will only hurt for a minute. I've just got one tooth. And it's little....but it's sharp.

G: Ha, ha. Now we're going to wrestle. Two points for a take down.

G: What's that you have over there, Jack?

G: Back off P-town. Jack-Jack's got food!

G: Seriously, I'm outta here. There are snacks around.

G: Dude, let go! I need food!

Seriously, I may blow this one up to poster size. Freakin' cute. Can you tell they are brothers? Ummm....yeah.


  1. Oh this took me back in time!~ I remember when my younger one was learning to walk, and his big bro would help him......little boys ROCK! Your boys are gorgeous!

  2. Oh wait a great set of shots! I love that last one too...for sure blow up material! G's eyes are SO HUGE!!

  3. Kirsty, These pictures are the cutest! They are both so gorgeous. I love little boys-I had 3 little brothers to help raise. Most of the babies around me lately are boys too. I'm so glad you can appreciate their beauty too! (well, who better, actually!) Sherry

  4. I have two boys (teens now) and your photos bring back memories. :-) They still love each other!

    I'm honored to be on your "Blogs I Obsess Over" list! Thanks!

    Trash To Treasure Decorating
