Thursday, April 15, 2010

We all know how I love chairs....

It's been what, 2 days since we've looked at a chair makeover? It must be time to look at another one.  I finally finished this monstrosity. Well, almost finished. Enough to show you.

Remember this chair? It was so stinkin' long ago that I got it....I'm pretty sure it was the typical $6.99.

I started to take it apart...isn't it cool?!

Then this mess happened...

Then it sat. And sat. And sat. Then I finally sent a tweet about progress....And then I had to do the nailhead trim....Never again. Seriously. NEVER.

I measured out 1/2 inch for each nail. Painful.

And then I ran out of trim. And JoAnn's ran out of trim. And they didn't have it, and they still didn't have it....and I got a tad confused at JoAnn's about a product that they usually have in stock, but they wanted me to special order it...blah, blah, I went somewhere else and got the exact same stuff for fifty cents per yard cheaper.

And it's finished. Almost. Neveryoumind that I need 4 more nail heads and I forgot to paint the two back legs....just ignore that part....



Seriously. Same chair. Only different.

I don't normally "do" animal prints. But, in green, I just couldn't say no. I love it and it is so cozy! I had to redo the bottom, because it hung low, so I replaced all the jute on the bottom...


So NOT grody.

And did you see this months House Beautiful? Front Cover? (I got a year subscription for five bucks from Amazon at Christmas!)

What? What's that - animal print? I should work for them.

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Transformation Thursday
Saturday Night Special


  1. Wow! What a difference! Love the black gimp with the green and white fabric. You are going to have to explain how you padded the back. When you stripped it down it looks like it has little suspenders on!

  2. Love the green! Where the heck are you finding all of these great pieces??

  3. This chair is now fabulous! Makes me want to take an upholstery class!

  4. I can't believe you did that by yourself! It's FABULOUS! Seriously, fabulous!

  5. Awesome! Great job. You're so brave. I wouldn't know where to start! someday, though, I'm going to do a big piece like that! I'm slowly getting courage through all of these wonderful blogs! Have a great day!

  6. you are something else, girlfriend!!!


  7. That looks great! You put a lot of hard work into this chair and it shows. It looks fabulous!

  8. This is my favorite one. I think nail heads can come in trim so you don't have to measure each one. That would be so much easier huh? You did great. I love love love it. Are you keeping this one? I just saw that fabric at JoAnns last weekend. I am trying to decide on fabric for new outdoor pillows.

  9. Well the green fabric, so unexpected!

    Stop by Pandora's Box to enter a giveaway! ~patti~

  10. Oh Kirsty, I couldn't be more jealous right now! I am on the lookout for a chair just like that! I can't find anything close, and the ones I've considered are at least $35! Where do you live, and why are things so cheap? The thrift stores by me would not have sold that for only $7! Great job re-doing it, it is super cute!!

  11. You are one gutsy chick! Wow - that looks terrific!

  12. Tracy - I am selling it. Although I think it is so fantastic, it doesn't really fit with our decor. If our house was more closed off and I had an office, I would totally keep it in my office.

    Someone is supposed to come by today to look at it, but I haven't had much luck with Craigslist we'll see!

    Glad you guys like it!

  13. you totally amaze me....jaw hung open amazing!

  14. Wowee! This chair is amazing! I wish I could reupholster, I just don't have a lot of time to learn with all the projects around the house. I'm so impressed!

  15. I love it! I'm not usually into animal print either, but I think maybe it's because it's a green and white, it's not hitting me as an animal print. Great job and the lines on this chair are just wonderful.

  16. It's fabulous! You did an awesome job. I don't think I'd be brave enough to tackle something like this. Great job!

  17. This is STUNNING! Love the print colors and trim! Amazing job!

  18. Wow, amazing job. Love the zebra print, too.

  19. I love the heck out of your site. I do projects like this as well as remodel our homes and blog about it on (We have a couple of rentals, and are always remodeling something.)
    You might enjoy this craft that I did with some broken mirrors:
    And here's the link to our crazy home remodeling:

  20. I've never left a comment before, so Hi! :)

    That chair in House Beautiful was the first thing my eye found this month!!! hahaha LOVED the grey! Love the green too, that chair is AMAZING!!

  21. I am IN LOVE with this chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not kidding!!! I want that fabric!! :)
