Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dresser, take 3.

Remember this dresser?


(Please ignore that ugly green hat with the big fat G on it. I don't know who it belongs to!?)

Well, I found my own dresser. That's right. It's mine.....so far....

No? You don't like it? Yeah. But how about now?

The dresser was $9.99. The handles were on clearance at Target for $4.97 for 6 about a month ago. I got them, knowing that I could use them sometime.

First I tried to use some stripper on the top. Did not work very well. Then I got out the palm sander. Worked better, but not great. Then. I brought out the big guns. The belt sander. I'm not crazy about the belt sander because even with the lightest touch and the finest paper it grinds things up. But, apparently this top needed it. Because it worked wonders. After the belt sander I used the palm sander to smooth things over and put on a thick coat of Ebony stain. Uhh...that's still drying....

After I slapped on some Behr Tropical Breeze in Satin, I took that palm sander with a 150 grit paper (I should have used 220) and ran it all over the dresser.

Two things I should have done differently. One - waited longer than 5 minutes before trying to sand it and two - used a finer sand paper on the palm sander. I got some scrapes that I didn't want that would not have shown up if I had done those two things. Me and my impatience...

I am pretty proud of the way this one turned out!

Linking to:

Power of Paint


  1. It looks GORGEOUS! I love the way you left the top stained!

  2. Are you a magician now and just pulling these pieces out of your hat?! You amaze me!

  3. Love this more than the original and those pulls are to die for.

  4. Don't you go hating on the Packer hat! LOL

    Dresser looks fabulous! Loving the dark stained top and those drawer pulls are perfect. Great job!!

  5. Absolutely Perfect the way it is. I have the exact same dresser and you've given me the answer to my hardware dilema. Although I will NEVER find the deal you did on those pulls. Thanks for sharing the color it was painted. In blog land its usually a secret "mix".

  6. Kirsty, it turned out amazing! I love everything about that dresser...

  7. Wow, it doesn't even look like the old dresser! Wonderful transformation.

  8. Fantastic job! It looked great before but now... woo hoo!

    Gina @ Craft Tea Cottage

  9. There are no words for how amazing that is! SERIOUSLY...I love everything about it and am going to shamelessly copy you!!!!! BEAUTIFUL! Great job lady!

  10. The distressing and new hardware look perfect. Wonderful job, as always!

  11. You have become the furniture queen. When do you get all of this done? Do you ever sleep? I really like it. I am glad you got to make something for yourself.

  12. you are amazing!

    you have such an eye for the "after"!!!!

  13. Fab! You are so inspiring. And I love your impatience. I am impatient too and it's nice to know that things can still turn out awesome.

  14. Thanks everybody! Every time I walk by it, I'm in love! It makes me want to do that to everything I own!

    Now I have to do this and paint everything crisp white - oh the decisions!

    I do sleep! I love my sleep! I've given up on showering and combing my hair....

  15. that looks great! the distressing is perfect, and the hardware makes a huge difference.

  16. Love the amount of distressing and the hardware you chose. I did a piece so similar to this for a client a while back though I never took photos...duh! Love it.

  17. WOW, that's STUNNING! AND for 10 DOLLARS! I'm a tiny bit envious! It's gorgeous and you did a great job! I never come across bargain furnature! WTG!

  18. Looks fantastic! I jump the gun on a lot of my projects too...that daggone cure time!!! :) Great job!

  19. Gorgeous! I have an old dresser I HAVE to makeover but I'm just so intimidated by the task. I want it to look like your's!


  20. That looks GREAT! You did a wonderful job--you should be very proud of yourself! Good work!
