Monday, April 19, 2010

Dreamy White.

It's been some time now since I worked on a chair....

I found this when I found that dresser the other day.

This chair was $9.99. In absolutely perfect condition. Perfect. I couldn't say no. Plus it's been awhile since I've done a caned chair. I love cane chairs. Love, love, love them. See them, here, here, and here.

This is no exception. I had visions of white for this one....

I now want to paint everything I own in a crisp white....Everything.


  1. Oh I love it! It is a whole new chair!

  2. I have the same problem with white. I try so hard to do different colors and I buy all these cans of "oops paint" in fun colors and then all I use is white! Its just so pretty though and it goes with everything! The chair looks amazing now..I'm loving the white and the that drop cloth?

  3. LOVE it!!!
    You have me so inspired...I bit the bullet, and painted my kitchen table...It only took me six years to do it-I am posting about it on Wed. and Thurs....and you were the inspiration!!! :)

  4. I've passed by those cane chairs at thrift shops so many times because I don't know how to reupholster. I should really try it, because that chair looks awesome!

  5. love that chair, looks so good in white. You find the greatest deals!

  6. loving the white!

    hey did jackie get the zebra chair?
    i love her! she is so sweet.

  7. I love that style of chair!
    I did my two in cream.

  8. Ohhh I'm so hoping you can help me. I just picked up a chair at salvation army that is this chair's twin! The only thing is that it has a removable cushion bottom (all cushion - no wood) a layer of foam and then that jute elasticky stuff. Do you have any suggestions for re-doing something like that? I've thought of just cutting a board the same size...but this is the first time I'm attempting to tackle something like this so I'm just fumbling through.
