Thursday, March 25, 2010

When it all comes tumbling down.

You know how sometimes you have days that could just be over at noon. Not the worst day EVER, but one that really just shouldn't continue because if one more thing happened you might just pack up and move to Guam. Or Timbuktu. Or anywhere else....

So, I'm taking Porter and Gus downstairs and we have this table at the top of our stairs with a beautiful glass vase on it with lots of yummy smelling filler inside. Do you see where this is going?
Can you see it at the top of the steps? Huge. Glass. Vase.

It's been this way for awhile now...We have never really had any problems with the older boys playing with decorations....they really don't care about them....but Grabby Gus apparently loves them.

And I hesitated at the top of the stairs for too long.

And Grabby Gus did what he does best.

He grabbed. At the vase. And pulled that vase right off the table.

And Porter and Gus and I watched it as it tumbled down the stairs and made the most incredible breaking sound. All. The. Way. To. The. Bottom. Breaking a little on each step.

Children and Dogs were immediately scooped up and rushed into another room where they remained for thirty minutes while I documented the occasion. And cleaned up, duh.

See those two white things? That's why I hesitated at the top. My sweet oldest child picked up a poopy diaper for me and instead of carrying it downstairs like asked, he threw it down the stairs and THAT is when I hesitated. To remind him that throwing things down the stairs is not the proper way to dispose of said diaper.

Here's what happens to soft pine when glass shards get in it...


Let's see it again:

Does anyone know what it feels like to have glass stuck in your foot?

Yeah, me neither....

I'm sure I didn't get it all. As much as I tried and crawled on my hands and knees to find little itty bitty pieces of glass, I'm sure I missed something.

And this is where the documentation comes in to play. Thank goodness for photos and blogging, so when Gus is older, and some famous doctor that cures all the world's illness and disease, I can show him this. And remind him he owes me 100 bucks. Plus interest, compounded over 30 years... (And I will fail to tell him that we got said vase as a wedding present.)


  1. Oh, I can see how this messed up your day. Nothing worse than broken glass. Try a damp paper towel on each step...wear a gardening glove.

    And a wedding present...ouch!


  2. Oh honey, I have lots of those days too. They are no fun. You might try a painters tackcloth to pick up those tiny shards (of course wear gloves). That's what I do, works like a charm. Today is a new day! And, the glass marks in the stairs, they add character!

  3. Tip number two, I'm sure your already aware, don't go down those stairs in socks. You will get to the bottom really fast, on your bottom.

  4. Funny thing about broken glass, no matter how much you clean up you WILL find a piece months later in the oddest place. You will say to self, how the heck did it get there!

  5. I totally feel your pain here! My son Everett is 2 1/2 and he breaks anything I adore. So far I haven't been able to put any glass out yet - he's quite the grabby hands - I'm hoping by 4 I can bring out my beloveds again :)

  6. OUCH! I'm all about documenting the chaos. As for glass in the foot....well, that's happened to me on several occasions. It still amazes me how a teeny tiny shard of glass can hurt SO BAD! Beware!

  7. Ouch so sorry about that vase!!! Actually I'm more sorry about the marks on your GORGEOUS stairs! And speaking of glass...My foot found a nice sharp piece in my garage yesterday....BARE foot! It doesn't feel good and bleeds like crazy! Luckily my little one was napping so I could bandage it in peace! lol

  8. Ouch so sorry about that vase!!! Actually I'm more sorry about the marks on your GORGEOUS stairs! And speaking of glass...My foot found a nice sharp piece in my garage yesterday....BARE foot! It doesn't feel good and bleeds like crazy! Luckily my little one was napping so I could bandage it in peace! lol

  9. OUCH...
    Not a fun morning!
    Hoping tomorrow is much better!

  10. When something like that breaks, you will be finding glass for days following... I hope it doesn't reach your foot or someone else's foot but I'm sure that it will. Be careful! :(

  11. It may sound strange, but if you wipe the floor with a piece of bread it will pick up the teeny tiny shards of glass that you can never seem to sweep up.
