Wednesday, March 24, 2010

No-nap Monday #752

I just realized this morning that I have replied to about 100 "no-reply" comments/emails. Argghhh! I'm so bummed. So, if you are reading this saying to yourself, "I am going to unfollow because she never got back to me regarding my question." Then this apology is for you! Sometimes people ask specific questions, so instead of responding on the blog, I send a response to the email....and what I didn't realize is that some people don't have their email address set up that way. Oops! If you sent me an email and still want a response to your question, then send one back and I'll try again to answer your question! 

On no-nap Monday, I crossed something off my list over there on the right.

The guy finally came and fixed the window. Ironically, the window broke on it's way to the store from the warehouse, so they had to re-cut a new one. I thought it was funny.

I also did this to a chair:

And the chair did this to my floor:

Umm....grody. (Anyone remember that word? I still use it. Totally.) Hubs, if you happen to pick this post to read....I think we need a new floor....totally. This is enough to send a person over the top. Or to banish them to the basement....

I also tried something here:


Hello? I was trying that busy, but organized's not working, is it?!


Power of Threes. I actually am liking it. And as soon as Tom is home....that darn mantel will get finished.

And you should see my garage. Furniture everywhere. Then I decided to paint this monstrosity yesterday....we'll see how it turns out today. Tom would rather trash it and get a flat screen. We actually need a new tv, ours does that thing where you can see the other channels behind the one screen of the one your actually know what I'm talking about? And, apparently the cords in the back aren't up to snuff. According to the crazy cable guy that hooked us up when we moved in.
Until we fork over the cash for a new tv and console and dvd player and such, this bad boy is staying. I love it. I just wanted to see what it would look like in a different color. Can't wait to finish it.


  1. I used to have an oak armoire in my bedroom..............sold it on Craigslist within 45 minutes to a woman an hour away!

    Good luck with yours!!

  2. The NoReply drives me bonkers! I can't tell you how many times I've tried to track people down to respond. I wrote a post a bit ago on how to fix it if your readers are interested.

    What color are you painting your armoire??

  3. Can't wait to see what you are doing with that chair! It has a great shape to it. The mantel looks great! I like that you can now add things in if you want to for a quick change. Like you could put a twine/twig ball on the top of the tall candle stick, pop in a single bloom in those cute little vases or add something to those cute jars on the right! Did you make those?

  4. Haha - the power of three. For some reason I am drawn to things in threes, can't resist em. Your mantle is one of them, it looks great!

    Can't wait to see what you do to the chair (and good luck with the hubby!).

    -Ann Marie

  5. When I read your post and saw that picture I said "grody" in my head. That is really too funny. Can't wait to see what you decide to do with that chair and that armoire! Marija

  6. Is that the chair you are going to be reupholstering with the green zebra? If so it is going to be amazing!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
