Monday, March 1, 2010

Gus, 9 months

Holy cow. This kid is 9 months old. It's hard to believe. He is the most amazing child. EVER. Although he has had a rough couple of weeks...stomach flu, two IV's, double ear infection even with tubes, THRUSH, holy cow....bad few weeks. Despite all of the illness he is still happy, smiley and learning every day.
Food. Always eating something. He just learned to use his little pinchers. It was amazing to watch him pinch a little carrot and gently place it in his mouth.

That smile. The fits of giggles are uncontrollable. He adores his brothers and has found a new love of watching balloons. He's learning to clap, he eats real people food and can feed himself on occasion. He loves whole green beans, soft carrots and hot dogs (what kid doesn't?!).

He has no desire to crawl. He's perfectly content rolling to where he wants to go. He rarely cries. He sleeps perfectly and I seriously cannot say enough about him.

See, always eating...

Love him.


  1. Little Gus is at that yummy age. Just want to eat him up! So precious.

  2. I absolutely love the 9 month age. Its so much fun because they are such a sponge and soaking up their surroundings and they are sweet and cuddly still too! Liam is just now starting to get a little of that terrible two's sass! Lord help me!

  3. How sweet! Do you scrapbook? If so, you totally need to print this off to put in his book!

  4. Katie - you are brilliant. I print this out as a yearly thing. But I never thought of printing out each month that I do for him! What a fantastic idea. Especially since his first album isn't even close to being done.
    I do a month by month for the first year..and this will be perfect to add to it!
    Thanks for the great idea!

  5. He is way too cute! Such sweet photos...

  6. What a beautiful baby w/ those big bright eyes!

  7. awww cutie. Mine's 9 months, too. So innocent and squeezey.
