Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Echos Art

Look at this! It may just be yours!

Isn't it absolutely gorg?! So here's the deal. I have trouble navigating through Etsy. Anyone else? So, I found someone for you. Well this is a woman I've known since back in the day...junior high/high school. (1. I can't believe I just called her a woman, it makes me feel old. 2. I can't believe I've known someone for that long!) We've recently reconnected and I find her jewelry and art AMAZING. She is fantastic and a mother of boys, so we have a special connection - don't all mothers of all boys have a special connection?

So, Lisa, she makes the most amazing jewelry. Simply divine. She has an Etsy site called Echos Art. Go there and check it out. Now. I'll wait....

Okay, so don't buy this key chain:
Or this picture:
Or these wine glass charms:

Or these earrings:

Seriously. Don't buy them, because I may cry if you do. I want them. I want them all!

Here she is to tell you a little about herself.

Hello! I'm Lisa Ziegler, owner of Echos Art. I've been creating and selling jewelry for over ten years, and opened my online Etsy shop almost two years ago. I do numerous craft shows throughout the year, and I have begun doing home shows as well, which are really fun! I am a stay at home mom of three awesome boys and I am lucky to have a wonderful husband who supports me and my business. I LOVE being able to stay at home with my kids AND pursue my dreams at the same time. My passion is jewelry, but you may find me painting, felting, drawing or doing just about anything that has to do with art.

My jewelry creations are all one of a kind and handcrafted by me. I use a variety of materials such as gemstones, metal, glass, wood, and shell beads to create pieces that are unique and affordable. I am inspired by nature and the world around me, so I use a lot of natural colors and textures in my work. My jewelry is always evolving, and I love to try different styles of jewelry. I also make and sell wine charms, keychains, magnets, bleached clothing and photographs in my shop.
I am always open to custom orders, so if you have something in mind, I'd love to work with you to make something special.

My email is
My website is

I'm also on Facebook:
And Twitter:

Isn't she fantastic?! Well. We had a brilliant idea to do a giveaway! Yes. A GIVEAWAY. Remember, I don't do a ton of them. It's just a lot of work to get it together. And I'm just not all that together! I noticed the other day that we passed the 200 follower mark and we are actually at 212 today - how awesome is that?! It amazes me that people find my foibles and projects worthy of a read. Thank you for that. You really do make a girl feel good. Even if you are just here to laugh at me and call me names....(like Dennis the Menace meets Martha Stewart)! That's okay too.

So are you ready? This bracelet is gorgeous! 

AND - we already have a winner. You didn't even have to do anything to enter. No effort involved in this contest - those are the best kind, right? I'm not much for surprises, except when I get to give them to someone else. So, all of the followers were entered into a drawing. I numbered everyone, but don't worry, you are not just a number to me!

I used Random Number Generator and came up with:

Okay, Fawn, now you have to do a little work. Email Lisa, let her know your address and she will send you that GORGEOUS bracelet! Lucky you! I'm only a teensy bit jealous that I didn't win....

Please, go and take a look at Lisa's etsy shop and see if there is anything you can't live without. I'm pretty sure I've already found at least a dozen things....

Thank you everyone for reading. My heart leaps when I get words of encouragement and funny little messages from you all.


  1. Wow, I love everything! And congrats to Fawn! I think it's too cool that you and Lisa were childhood friends and have reconnected!

    I'm off to visit her Etsy store now!

    Kat :)

  2. I had the pleasure of meeting lisa through Etsy,she has beautiful jewelry and photography. Her prices are great also.

    Great feature!!

  3. Just wanted to let you know, I don't think your HOME button at the top is working. I have clicked it a couple of times and it is taking me to your photobucket page.
