Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Goodies

I'm usually a very happy person! But this winter has done me in! But, I'm changing that. I've been so worried about Gus and he is still sick. We've been to the doctor, again, and he's now on Zofran for nausea. Hopefully that calms his little tummy. Poor little dude. And, (now this is super personal) I was on a BC for my endometriosis (that story is for another day) that made me a teensy-tiny bit crazy and cranky and mopey and so I stopped. And I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER! Thank goodness. Think spring! And NYC in the Spring! Is it too soon to start packing for a trip that's a month away?

We don't really do much for Valentine's Day around here. Never really have. Not because we don't love LOVE. We just haven't really gotten into it. I suppose when the kids get older and are in school we will.

That being said, Porter has a Valentine's Party at school this week, so I thought I would TRY and come up with something crafty and chef-like to give to the kids.

I wanted to be clever. I wanted to be the "holier than thou mother". The one all the other moms ooohh and ahhhh over....Poop. We've had kind of a rough week.....And all I could think of was marshmallows. I know. Super boring. But I think they turned out pretty cute.

Here's what to do. Grab some marshmallows and hope that they aren't old and hard, or sticky and gross. Cut some straws in half (that you "borrow with the intent of never returning" from your fabulous neighbor). I was going to use skewers, but those are reserved for my gorilla epoxy projects. And well, probably not a good idea for a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds....
Stick a straw in the marshmallow.

Dip in melted chocolate. Sprinkle. Repeat.

I found it easier and less messy to pour the sprinkles over the top instead of rolling the marshmallows in the sprinkles.


Then dig for a spot in the freezer where you can put them for awhile. Let them get firm.... Take a pretty picture.

Label. Repeat.

I really wanted to use my pretty pink and red paper with the hearts and flowers all over it for the tag, but since he's a boy and probably would have rather had Transformer Valentines, I stuck with a very masculine green and some very manly twine.

And if you want to know what they taste will love them. They remind me of chocolate covered marshmallow Easter bunnies.


  1. Sorry about Gus...poor guy. I hope he feels better soon.

    Love the marshmallows. Hey, you put time in to them so you deserve an A+. And they are adorable!! I always thought those preschool and early school years were so much fun to be involved in. More fun than having teens!!


  2. i am following you now on twitter!
    hope you guys feel better soon!

    love this idea for some valentine's sweets. seems easy.

    ok, 2 more things...(lol) was the handwriting font hard to install for your blog catagories??? i so want to do this!
    last one...i am a newbie @ tweeting, so bare with me. so glad you are a follower! feel better soon!

  3. Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I'm in WI, too, near Madison. What about you?

    Oh, and I have two boys and the oldest one is named Gus. :)

  4. Hey, that's a great idea! I'm trying to come up with something original at the last minute for a VD party Friday. (isn't it disgusting to keep hearing V'tines called "VD" lol) This will be perfect!!!!!

    Sorry the little one isn't feeling much better! I'll say a prayer he's better, soon!

  5. Fantastic idea for valentine goodies! I just found your blog and adding it to my favorites. I'm a mom of 3 boys as well. Hope your little one is better soon.

  6. Hey Kirsty, thanks for visiting my blog for my falling down the stairs story!! I love our dark steps next to the oak floors. I know your stairs will turn out great.

  7. Those look yummy!!~ Today we are snowed in in I am looking at the top 100 blogs I came across yours....very cute and inspirational for sure!!~ I would love some tips and tricks as to how one becomes successful you ever do a newbie interview? LOL.....I will be back for more inspiration for sure......

  8. Debbie - Thanks for the sweet compliments! When you find out how to become a successful blogger, let me know! But if you send me an email we can talk!
