Thursday, February 25, 2010

Slipper Chair

Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments on the stairs! And the credenza! You guys are great!

Do any of you remember this chair?
I got it at GW for $25. But, guess what?! It doesn't match anything that we have. We've moved it all over the house, and it just doesn't "go". So I did something about it on Sunday afternoon. Some of you may "unfollow" because of this. And I am so sorry. 

I had a curtain in my stash of fabric that was left over from the curtains that the owners left. And I chopped it up. I didn't actually take pictures of the process, because, one, I was so nervous about doing it I didn't want documentation of it, and b) I just wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. And you're lucky I took an after. I really love it and now it can go in any room of the house.

It was pretty easy to do. The legs came off, the back came off and I stapled it to the base and hot glued the sides. I left the old fabric on so that if I want to I can take the top material off and use the old one. It looks perfect in our family room with the hot wheels tracks, the bouncy seat and Buzz LightYear perched on it.


  1. Moms of 3 boys rock! I love the chair, you've made it so much more versatile :)

  2. The chair is awesome. I love when we upholster with hot glue guns. Women are so innovative! ;-)


  3. I won't unfollow you, but ever since you got that chair, I've thought how perfect it would be in my living room when I finally get to painting it. It does look good though, you're so brave! The stairs look AMAZING!

  4. That looks so great and way to re-use you old curtains. Great job.

  5. I've used the old drapes for upholstery! I would follow you twice if I

    Thanks for the paint name (slate blue). I got so sentimental thinking about the birth of my kiddos, I totally forgot about the paint.

    Have a great Thursday, Lynea

  6. Ok that is so pretty!! I liked it before but if I tried to put it in my house it wouldn't "go" either. Well...not like my free pear green chair i'm forcing it! I want to learn to re-upholster SO BAD! i just need to dive in and DO IT and it wouldn't be as hard as I think. Great job lady!!

  7. Wow, great job and I love the color! Did you end up getting the other chair you showed on Twitter?

    Kat :)

  8. Wish I could go to your GW . . .I never find stuff like this at the ones near me . . .I will keep trying :)
    Love this site :)

  9. I have the same phonograph in my living room. Yours is in much better shape. :)

  10. Leah - finish painting and it's yours!

    Kat - I didn't get that chair. I got two matching cane chairs instead...I'm kicking myself.

    CRAZYMOM - it's my hubby's. It was his grandpas. They refurbished it! Oy vey - that thing is a point of contention for us!

  11. Kirsty, This chair is really nice in white! You did a great job. I probably would never have figured out to take the legs off! You have so much energy, I love to see your projects coming along! Sherry
