Friday, January 8, 2010


This little guy got tubes this morning. When I took him to the doctor on Wednesday for his pre-surgery physical he had fluid behind his ears. Today when the doctor went in to do surgery they were red and bulging and grossly filled with puss. Yuck. That word is so disgusting. Puss. There are three other words I can't stand, but that's another post....

Gus was happy as could be. The doctor, who is fantastic and the same one that did Porter's tonsillectomy, was amazed at how happy he is considering how much pain he must have been in. What a great kid.
Oh, and he's sitting up. I'll catch a photo of that one of these days.

Daddy obviously loves this guy. As do I!


  1. Awwwwwwwwww poor little one. You would think he would be bawling w/that kind of infection.

    Oh, the time goes by so fast.........pretty soon he will be scooting all around!!

  2. Awe, how precious. I hope everything went well. I'll keep lil' Gus in my prayers.

    Your pictures look great! Can't wait to see one of him sitting up! Bumbo time! ;)

  3. So glad it went well. He is SO stinkin' cute!
