Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rough Day

We've had a rough couple of days around here. But things are looking up. Yesterday I wanted to go back to work. Today I just want to go to bed. I'd say that is an improvement.

Gus went back to the ENT for a follow up from his tube installation. They are working and things are going well with his ears, BUT he still has a sinus infection and so he will be on another antibiotic for 10 more days. Uggghhhh....poor little dude. Hard to breathe at nights when you are all plugged up. She said if this doesn't work we may have to look into removing his adenoids. Double uggghhh....

Of course that sent me into a tizzy wondering if it was something I did wrong and if I caused this, and if things would have been different if I hadn't been induced two weeks early....I know, I know....not my fault....but still....I wonder.

Last night Jack slept with me in our bed. WE NEVER DO THAT. Our children have never shared our bed, even when they are sick they sleep on the floor next to us, but, it was 10:15 and he still wasn't sleeping. 10:15! It's crazy. So, he came in my bed and the second his head hit the pillow he was asleep. Too many distractions in his room, I think.

Here's a conversation I had with Jack yesterday:

Me: I love you buddy.
Jack: I wuv you too. I wuv you too. I wuv you too.
Me: You're a good little boy, bud.
Jack: I know I am.

Love it!

Because we are on a roll around here, the day wouldn't be complete without lunch in our separate bedrooms and macaroni and cheese with itty-bitty pepperoni for supper. I ate the last two bites they had left-over and a spoonful of Nutella. Yeah. It's been one of those weeks.

And because no day is complete without a few dance moves:

And a psycho face.

And to those in Haiti or those who know people in Haiti our thoughts and prayers go out to you. You can find out how to help by going to visit Chris Sacca.
Over and out.


  1. Yesterday was one of those days for me also...and most people I talked to. I wondered around like I was lost, then panicked because I was behind, then packed the kids up and went for a hike cause I was done!
    My oldest had the problems your little boy was up with...Ohhh how I would sink when I would see his nose run. Exhaustion mixed with fear, for this little guy that you love way too much is almost enough to do a girl in. But at the end of the day...we realize a bad at home with our kids is better than any day out in the world...cause we are on a mission to raise world changers:)
    Many Blessings today and strength. Cuddle all day long with your little treasures and just say "BLAH" to the rest:)

  2. Dont think for a second that ENT problems are your fault. Both my girls have had adenoidectomies, and both of them have had zero ear/sinus/throat infections since......and now they dont snore!
