Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oh Goodwill, I adore thee.

I'm going to show you something. Please be prepared. Don't hate me. Don't send me hate mail because your Goodwill sucks. I know I am one fortunate soul.

When I saw this the tag had already been ripped off. I was bummed but I did what every good thrifter would do. You would too, if you saw it. I had them call it out. Three announcements over the loud speaker and it would be mine. All mine. The reason why I was so excited was because three days earlier I had said to Tom that I wanted one.

"Would the person holding the second half of the ticket for item number 4567, please come to register one." One down. After the second one the woman was writing me a new tag. By the third it was already in my cart. Yippee! It was one of those lights-shining-down-from-above moments.

When I got it home I assumed I was going to paint it, but, as I was tearing out the wallpaper that lined it and scrubbing the gunk inside, I started wondering where it had been. Maybe in an old house with a little old lady and her 3 cats. Or a big family that finally saved up enough money to redo their bathroom. So, I decided I wanted to keep it the way it was. It was old and it shows. And I am in love.

The liner is actually quite nice, except very dingy and dirty.

Previously there was a glass shelf there. That's why the wall is white in spots. The previous owners just painted around the shelf...huh. It is nice, but it didn't hide all my beautification products and sanity pills and drugs and such.... it may go by the bathtub. Maybe.

I turned it upside down because it didn't open the right way, and I wasn't about to do a major overhaul on it. All I did was replace the wallpaper with this:

Pineapples. I also need to make some shelves. Piece of cake though. 

Oh, and the reason you better not send me hate was $6.99. Yeah.

Linkin' up:

Frugalicious Friday at Finding Fabulous
Saturday Night Special at Funky Junk Interiors


  1. Okay fine--- no hate mail. Just a request that you send some good kharma thrifting thoughts my way!


  2. $6.99!!!!! Oh my stars!!!! I'm having a hard time NOT hatin on you ;-)
    I went to Goodwill twice yesterday and the item I thought was $10 was 1/2 off Yipee! gotta love the GW

  3. Could be the find of the year! Sherry

  4. That's one more great deal. It's so nice. I love it.

  5. Great deal (steal :-))!

  6. 6.99? You gotta be kidding me? Well you sure do have a great goodwill. No fair. Love it and it looks great.


  7. Wow. What a smokin' deal. It's adorable and love the additions you did.

    Thanks for linking up to SNS!
    FJ Donna
