Thursday, January 14, 2010

Guest Post at The Shabby Chic Cottage

Okay, we've hit big time now folks. Gina over at The Shabby Chic Cottage emailed and begged and pleaded and bribed me (okay, not the bribery thing) to guest post a detailed description on how to make the urn and ball decorations from Pottery Barn. And I said, NO WAY. Just kidding. I said OF COURSE! I'm so excited! (Whenever I say that I think of the episode of Saved by the Bell, where Jesse is taking uppers and getting ready for a math test and a music video shoot....I'm so excited and I just can't hide it.....) But, I'm not taking uppers. Just lots and lots of Diet Coke.

So, click on that link up there and go and check it out.

It just made my day. I'm so giddy. Thanks Gina for the shout-out.

AND, a huge thanks to all the new followers. Welcome aboard. Can't wait to show you what all the chaos is about!


  1. LOL
    I'm so excited... I'm so tired...
    Classic episode.
    Really hard hitting stuff.

    Congrats on your shoutout!
    Well deserved.
    So glad I found your blog.

  2. I'm giggling right now. I'm so glad I'm not the only one that knows that episode! I'm really a 14 year old.....

  3. Congratulations! You've hit the big time:)

  4. Loved your post over at Shabby Chic - the funny thing is, I just did a post yesterday trying to copy almost the same thing from the PB catalog!
    Check it out if you want - not quite as good as yours, but still kinda cute!
