Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I took a nap.

I took a nap.
That's it.
That's all I've got. Today instead of doing a project inspired by Pottery Barn:

(Although I can't wait to do it. I am so excited!)
I went to this spot instead:

(Photos courtesy, or not, of Pottery Barn)
(Okay, that's not my bed. I totally wish it was, but when they had it I wasn't willing to spend that much on the duvet. Now, it's on sale, but they don't have it. And neither does ebay!!! Boohooo....)

I had the most glorious nap today. I don't think I've napped in almost 6 months. It was fantastic. And apparently totally necessary. And I feel oh so much better. I wonder if Pioneer Woman naps? Probably not. That woman has so much energy.

Porter and I had a funny conversation today and I am totally going to laugh at his expense. Shhh...don't tell Porter, he gets really embarrassed when people laugh at him.

Now, remember, I came from a family of all girls...

P: (Fussing)
Me: What's the matter, buddy?
P: My penis itches and I don't know what to do. And I so angry.
Me: (Stifling a laugh) Sorry about that buddy, can you scratch it?
P: I can't reach it. (He was in his car seat)
Me: Wiggle around and see if you can move it around.
P: (Rolled his eyes at me)
Me: (Not holding back my giggles anymore)

Ha. I got a nap today.......


  1. OMG, totally hilarious! Poor kid.

    I take a nap like every 6 months too...........glad yours was a good one.

    Loving that duvet.

  2. LOL! Hilarious.

    Can't wait to see your PB project!

  3. Aren't those naps addictive? I just love them.

  4. Oh you make me laugh! I came across your blog I think by way of Beneath my Heart. You are so creative. I wish I had time tonight to finish reading everything. I will have to save this one for another nap day.
