Monday, January 11, 2010

Curtains, Coffee and Peanuts

It's Monday. For some reason the boys don't like to nap on Mondays. Yes, I said Mondays. Not just this Monday. Every. Single. Monday. I don't get it. Monday in our house is a nightmare. Case in point. I just ran upstairs to get Jack's clothes so he could stop running around the house naked and I found a pile of hangers on his bed and the clothes in the closet on the floor.....some Mondays I find all the shoes in the closet lined up on his bed. Porter naps in the guest room with tons of pillows. The bed usually turns into some sort of secret fort with pillows piled high and his body not in sight.

Of course since it's Monday, that meant that the things I wanted to get done would not. Although I did get the dimmer in the kitchen installed. And then I broke the plate. And I also installed some curtains that I scored at Goodwill for $6.99 each. And replaced the ugly brown curtains in the family room with drop cloth curtains. It looks awesome!

So, here's the deal on these. I got a 9x12 drop cloth for $19.99 from HD. First I washed it. I had no idea how I was going to cut a straight line, but I figured I would just use the laser. Well, that didn't work, so I just used the seam down the middle of the drop cloth.

Then I folded it in half and cut as best I could along that seam. It seemed (ha, ha) to work.

Then I folded the tops over a little (cause they were too long) and hung them up. No, I did not sew the sides. I didn't even use stitch witchery. I just left them. I think it looks fabulous. I love the tattered edges and the wrinkles.
Before: (This used to drape across the top and I cut them apart. I used stitch witchery to make a hole for the curtain rod. It didn't look terrible, but then I found these hooks at GW for .99 a bag, I got three bags. It looked better, but not great. It's just too dark.)

(If you look closely you can see tape on the second window. That was a car/train table/window mishap. I did that last year, about this time. Good thing Tom doesn't read this or I would be in trouble for posting this for the whole internet to see!)

Now, if I could just figure out a way to remove the carpet without Tom noticing. He did do this on Saturday morning:


I snuck up on the boys on Sunday night stealing peanuts.....

For next time:

Goodwill purchase. $9.99. I think I'm going to turn it into a bench.

Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage
Frugalicious Friday at Finding Fabulous
Saturday Night Special at Funky Junk Interiors
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
Make it for Monday at Cottage Instincts


  1. I love what you did! The table/bench has possibilities...
    And napping on Mondays-
    funny-My youngest who naps didn't nap on Monday either...I will see if it is a trend here, too...Hummmm

  2. You know, I have seen people use dropcloths for drapes before but never with the top looking so awesome! I am seriously considering copying you when I work on my family room redo. Hope you don't mind a ton of emails because, unlike you, I am so NOT handy/creative.

  3. Try windex on that carpet, it will take almost anything up!

  4. Love the drop cloth curtains! I wish I could just give in and do it! That table/soon to be bench was a steal!!!

  5. lovely curtains and please post when you are through transforming table!

  6. Love the curtains! Love the no sew even more!

  7. love the drapes. I need some new dropcloths. All of mine have paint drips.
    $9.99 for that table? what a steal! I need to go thrift shopping!

  8. Oh, you all are so lucky! Our thrift store & Goodwill here in my town charge $70 for a beat up dresser and $2 for a simple wooden candlestick that probably came from HobLob!

  9. Isn't is just amazing all the creations we can come up with in a simple drop clothe. The look just great in your room. Who would know? Oh, I guess we do now, LOL.
    That table/bench that you found has endless possibilities. I wish I could find stuff like that.
    The napping on Monday thing, been there done that. I think it is after the weekend time spent together, mine felt like they would miss something????? Monday day was their adjustment day, so to speak.
    Have a blessed weekend!

  10. LOVE the look! And I like how you draped the tops too.

    Thanks for linking up to SNS!
    FJ Donna

  11. Yours turned out great...just made drop cloth curtains myself. Pretty easy, huh?

  12. Nice window mistreatment! I can understand it being difficult to cut it straight. When I have to work with panels this big I always struggle with it too (and have some very bad results to show for it). Yours came out great.

  13. great job. Wow, $10 bench will be cool too.

  14. The curtains look great, I'm planning to do that too, as soon as I can get to Home Depot! Thanks for sharing your great pics.

  15. Oooh - I really like the fold-over! Nice job!

  16. They look amazing. I like the natural color and the wrinkle look.

  17. Looking good...the fold over idea rocks! I'm having fun looking around at your blog...just love your blog name...soooo COOL! have a ew follower...ME!

    Hope you have a FUN day!

  18. Great idea!! I can't wait to see your bench makeover!!

    You can see my project here...
