Sunday, January 31, 2010


I did it people. I backstitched. I know. Some of you are saying what the heck is that. Others I'm sure are giggling that I've never done it before. I think it's just when you go backwards on the sewing machine for a few stitches so that things don't unravel - isn't that right my faithful seamstresses?

I made these pillows (Boy do I love that chair):

I am a total cheater. I apologize to all of the actual sewers out there. I sewed the edges on the outside. Seriously. The edges are frayed and sloppy. But don't they look nice in the picture! I sewed 3 sides and then shoved (that's not an exaggeration, I had to really shove) the pillow into the case and sewed it up. With the pillow inside. Such a disgrace. But, it works. And that's all that matters. Funny I never figured out what that little knob on the front of the machine with a little u on it was for before. Backstitch. Is it just to keep the end tight so it doesn't fray? I have no idea. So pathetic.

I have a reason for being such a pathetic sewer. See, my grandmas and mom all sewed. My aunt is a fantastic quilter. And another aunt could turn wool fresh off a sheep into a dress....she's that good. HOWEVER, they never taught me! Yep, totally blaming them. Never mind that I probably didn't want to learn when I had the chance....

So today I backstitched. An accomplishment unto itself. I'm sure my grandma and mom are looking down from the heavens above and laughing...or maybe they are just proud that this girl did it all by herself....

It's the little things people.


  1. Your pillows look great! I don't have a sewing machine and I barely can sew a button on. My 11 year old daughter just made a pillow for me out of a "2 ply" placemat.

  2. You backstitched! Good for you. Your ancesters will be proud for sure. The pillows look great, this inside out look is all the style these days. And I love the chair too. Have a great day, Tiger!
    Love, Sherry

  3. I have sewed since I was 6, but never taught my girls...I dont know if you have a hobby lobby close to you..but the one here is giving sewing lessons..Joanns also has classes. I took lessons at age 6 from Singer in the mall..well both of my girls are going to take lessons at hobby lobby and learn...congratulation! your doing a great job!

  4. Way to go:)!!! (Thanks for cracking me up...and I'm still totally jealous of that chair!)

  5. Back stich!!?? How bad is it that I don't even know what it is!
    Sew? No...but I hot glue...LOL
    (So call me impressed!)

  6. The pillows look fantastic, don't stop there.I learned to sew from youtube, seriously, I don't think I ever would have learned without it!

    Have a great day, you have me itching to get a 'goodwill fix'

  7. You are so funny!!!! I mean, really funny! I was laughing out loud reading about the pillows.

    Did you feel a bit flushed while ramming the pillow into the sewing machine, trying to get the thing all sewed up? Yea! Been there! That's how I do it too! OR hot glue em! All the women in my family before me were seamstresses. Didn't learn a thing either!

    Love the GW info, too!


  8. I was sweating and swearing and nearly crying from ramming the pillows in there! Sometimes I use that stitch witch stuff, but then I have to iron, and that's just not my thing either!

    I am a horrible housewife! No sewing, no ironing, no dishes....
