Friday, January 29, 2010

5 dollar mirror

I love mirrors. I'm counting them in my head right now. Not including the bathroom mirrors that came with the house we have TEN ELEVEN mirrors. We're so vain. We love to look at ourselves in every room of the house. Sometime I will do a post about all of our mirrors. Because we LOVE to look at ourselves. I mean, look at us, why wouldn't we. Watch out. I'm feisty today.

I dropped the older boys with my neighbor, God bless her, and Gus and I went to my three favorite thrift stores for the morning.

I found a couple things. Nothin' big. But then I found this mirror. (Light shining down from above.) It was five dollars. Yep. I know. So lucky. It was actually fifty percent off blue tagged items day at the Salvation Army, but, I couldn't buy it for $2.50 and feel okay with myself. I would have been stealing. I already feel guilty for getting it at five bucks. So I paid the full five for it. I know. Give me a medal. I'm such a good person.

So great. And I have the perfect spot for it. It just needs a little work.

I primed with my favorite Kilz:

Yep, I just spray painted the whole thing. Mirror and all. I do that a lot. I find it much easier to use a razor blade then tape off the mirror and have to use a razor blade to get the stuff that seeped through the tape.

I then painted it Heirloom White. Sanded a little and glazed with Ralph.
I used a paper towel to put it on and then wiped it off with another paper towel. I liked this mirror because it had edges where the glaze would sit and make it look cool.

Cleaned up and lookin' good:

I have to get some new wire because my 18 guage isn't strong enough. It is a heavy one!

Linking to: Saturday Night Special, Metamorphosis Monday, Make it for Monday, DIY Day, Power of Paint, Transformation Thursday, Frugalicious Friday.


  1. I need that EXACT mirror in my dining room!!!! I love the ivory color with the rubbed brown...
    How did you get the paint off the entire mirror??? I need to know these things!! :)
    Have a great day-If I wasn't babysitting for a friend, I would high-tail it to the local Salvation Army around the corner!!! I am DYING to do this!!!!!

  2. Our thrift stores seem pricey. I went a few weeks ago. I need to go again. I was planning on going today, but the foot of snow and drifts won't allow it. Anyway, I would also like to know how you get that paint off the mirror and what color glaze do you use?

  3. SCORE! That turned out great! Great razor blade tip too!

  4. I love mirrors too..... I keep thinking I should stop but I keep finding these great old dresser mirrors that are perfect for restyling. I love the way you glazed yours.AWESOME.

  5. I just got a new mirror today, so I'll do a post on exactly how I use the razor blade. It's a piece of cake. Ruby Red (or Rubes as I'm going to call ya, now!) I wish I could send you this for you dining room!
    Seriously old dresser mirrors are the way to go!

  6. What a pretty mirror. I'll be anxious to see where you hang it!

  7. $5?!?! that is beautiful!! what a wonderful find:)

  8. That is a GREAT mirror and it looks so much better painted.

    I want to let you know that I have a BIG give-a-way starting on Sunday and it will be really fun. I am calling it SPREADING THE LOVE--cuz I love my FOLLOWERS. There are lots of gifts, from really cool vendors. Each week there will be SEVERAL winners--that is right it will be going on all month long. So you can come back each week and leave me a comment, to put your name in.

    You don't have to have a blog--you can e-mail me to enter your name.

    Followers get their name in once and if you have my button on your side bar your name will go in 5 more times.

    If you can double check your READER to see if you are getting my posts I would really appreciate it--for some reason Google has picked on me since the start of my blog and I always end up having them not post every few weeks.


  9. Great remake.

    I don't tape either ... sometimes you can slip paper between the frame and mirror ... then I spray away ... and then pull the paper out ... easy peasy!!

  10. So lovely! Lucky you for getting such a great price on it - I'm jealous!

  11. I love it! Its AMAZING! I just stumbled upon your blog and I have to say that I love your blog sooooo much!

  12. beautiful! you did a great job. Nice price too! I feel bad when I get a good deal at aunt sally's, but when they have a sale, they sell more, right? :)
    love your mirror!

  13. WOW! Looks great, gotta love the thrift shops! ;)

    Thanks for the tip on the razor blade, I seriously had an epiphany said "oh-hhhh" out loud (hope I didn't wake anyone up)! I can't imagine trying to tape yours with the beautiful lines. Glad I stumbled upon your blog! :)

    -Ann Marie

  14. I love this mirror! I just did one a few weeks ago that I found in a thrift store, for $12 I think. Yours looks great!

    Love your island too!

    Lou Cinda :)

  15. Nice job. I've painted/glazed several mirrors. Easy, quick makeover!

  16. Super cute and a great buy!

  17. Great job! Love the transformation! Thanks for the tutorial!


  18. hmmm... i used heirloom white on my today's project too! - love the look - and i love mirrors too - your comment about being vain cracked me up!

  19. Lovely! I need to get some glaze and join in on this glazing fun! Thanks for linking to the Power of Paint Party again... love your stuff!
