Friday, December 11, 2009

Sewing a stocking...

I showed you this earlier:

I had this Ralph Lauren sweater that was 1) white and 2) short. I mean, can you really wear white with three boys and two dogs. I think not. Probably shouldn't have purchased those white jeans last week....oh well. Baby G doesn't have a stocking yet, I mean he's only 6 months old, does he REALLY NEED one? Well, I had this sweater in the donate pile and I figured I could attempt to sew again.

I am not a sewer. When I say that, I really mean it. I'm not being modest when I say I can not sew. I don't know what the terminology is, I have to read the manual every single time. I have a sewing machine, because it was my mom's. I didn't have to buy it. That's the only reason I have it. Now, my bff, would say, "Oh, I can't sew." When really she can sew. She can. I can not. I want to be more like her. Maybe that will be a New Year's Resolution. To sew. And to be more like her.

I first tried to do some capes for the boys. I wonder if I have a picture of them? Yep.

Not great work, but they love them. Actually, first I made some burp clothes with BFF that can sew. Then these pillow covers:

They turned out okay. I ended up using fabric glue on the backs to keep them together. Argghh.... They look better now. Plus this one is cool:
It's just scraps of fabric with jute and a "flower" I made. Ha! Really a sleeve. No sewing involved on this one!

Now. This stocking. Can't sew, but finished it. What do you think?

At least it will have a pretty good story to go with it!

Linking to Frugalicious Friday at Finding Fabulous, Funky Junk Interiors, Cottage Instincts and Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch, DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land and finally Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage. Those crafters rock!


  1. I love it! Crisp and classic yet totally works for a baby!

  2. I think it's cute! Sweater pillows and stockings are being sold in stores, so why not try and make your own. I love your pillows, too!

  3. I can't sew either but I still try. I swear its my machine and not me. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Your stocking is cute and so are your other sewing projects. If they look cute, then you must have done something right!

  4. Cute cute cute!!! Love me some sweater stockings. :) I can sew well either, but I've been slowly taking on bite-size projects. My stocking fiasco is the perfect example of trying to convince myself I *am* a sewer, only to be proven wrong once again...ah well. Yours looks pretty darn good to me!

  5. Your stocking is great.
    The pillow is sweet too

    barbara jean

  6. Adorable stocking... I REALLY can't sew... barely thread the machine... really!


  7. i think they look fabulous! love the sweater idea - too! i was thinking of making some sweater pillows for fun. and, i can't sew either. i always kick myself in the booty for not listening to my mom more.!!.
    love the burlap pillows too!
