Monday, November 3, 2008

Will we ever eat dinner together?

As I sit here and type, I am eating my dinner - a fantastic piece of pizza from Rosati's - which I am quite positive will end up in the toilet in a little while - damn pregnancy. The boys, who have already eaten, are now in the living room designing skyscrapers with their blocks, reading the encyclopedia and sharing everything without fighting. Tom is on his way home from work, at least that is what he said. And I am wondering if we will EVER actually sit down together and eat dinner as a family...which sends my mind into trying to remember how it was when we were growing up - of course, it's difficult for me to remember what I had for breakfast, so this is an arduous task - I can remember as far back as when I was a swimmer and had practice until 7 pm and mom and dad would leave dinner for me in the oven and I would eat it on my own at the dining room table. One of them would maybe sit with me, or they would be helping Sara and Lindsay with their homework.

So, to answer my own question - probably not - life is quite hectic and things are always a little crazy - maybe we'll do Sunday dinners - but first I would have to learn how to cook a couple meals so that we could have more than cereal together as a family...

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