Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Thor Baby

June 13th. Well, sometime between June 11th and June 13th - new Thor baby arrives. It seems so far away. Yet, I know that the next few months are going to fly by. It's practically Christmas already! Jack will be 2, Porter is going to start preschool - my how time flies...

Porter has become aware of who Grandma Sue was and where she is. It's quite sweet. He says he misses her and he knows she died. I wasn't even sure that he knew who she was. He looked at a picture of her on his dresser and said, "Grandma Sue!" Of course, I cried my eyes out. It is truly amazing what kids know. He said that she was in Heaven with God. And tears..... I am amazed daily at what he does.

Jack is a ham. He's getting two new molars - which makes it pleasant, but he is saying several words and loves to snuggle - which I LOVE!

We're going to Sacramento on the 20th for Garry Kelley's wedding. Margie and Terry are coming to stay and Porter can hardly contain his excitement! It will be nice to get away for a couple of days.

Hugs and Kisses.

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