Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bathroom Makeovers

I realized last night as I was finishing the bathroom cabinets that I truly am my mother's daughter. And there is nothing wrong with that. She was an amazing woman. Except that I want everything to be perfect and great for when family gets here in 7 days, but you know what? THEY DON'T CARE! They don't care that my cabinets were ugly honey oak, or that the carpet has so many coffee/dog pee/milk/booger/puke/permanent marker stains on it. We all just want to get together and not get annoyed with each other have fun eating, playing games, eating and bargain hunting. BUT. I care. And that's enough. I love our new bathroom cabinets. They look so fresh and clean. I am soooo over honey oak cabinets. Thankfully, I've painted them all.

I did these bathroom cabinets a la The Nester. No sanding, no primer, no painting of the backs of the doors....I mean really, how often do the bathroom cabinets get opened. I did it in the kitchen because the kitchen is the heart of our house. NOT the bathrooms. Will I go to decorator jail? Will Martha Stewart be there too? Does it mean I get a break from my kids. If so, I will not paint the insides of any cabinets! Love those kids!

Here's the boys bathroom before:


Totally missed the cabinets in either shot. Honey Oak. That's it. Walls were a dark green. Which is great, but not for a tiny little bathroom that makes me feel a little claustrophobic. So I brightened it up.

Here's the terrific after. Notice the beadboard wallpaper on the cabinet doors! Love that stuff.

Here's the towel rack that I got for $2 at a garage sale down the street this summer:

Side note: I also got this dresser at the same house for $20. Perfect in our guest room.

And here's our bathroom. Boy do I love this. I wanted to paint our kitchen cabinets black, but Tom was not for it, but he seems to be okay with it in our bathroom.



They were pretty black, so I roughed up the edges with sandpaper. That way when I scrape them with something by accident it will look like it was on purpose. I'm tricky like that.



  1. Looks awesome! I want to paint every builders cabinet in my house; kitchen and both baths. Just haven't gotten to it and frankly I'm scared of the HUGE task! You did a wonderful job.

  2. I'm a big fan of black lately! The bathroom looks great!

  3. I LOVE the black....far better then honey oak!! It looks so sophisticated!

  4. SO cute! If I could, I would repaint all of my cabinets in my house black. I love it!

    Thanks for the nice comment today about my mean commenter. It almost made me quit - I am way too sensitive.


  5. Looks great! This is my plan for our guest bathroom. Here's to hoping my dear, dear husband won't have a stroke when he sees what I've done. Honestly, the cabinets can only look better at this point.

  6. Loving that beadboard you use a special paste or just water? I am a renter in Muskego, WI and would have to remove what I do.

    Also LOVE your kitchen! It was featured on better after.


  7. nice guide! thank you!/I love it ! Very creative ! That's actually really cool Thanks.
    bathroom cabinets
