Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Photos of Gus

Here is a sneak peak of Guster at his newborn picture session. I had a great time with my new friend (hope it's okay that I call her that!) Kelly Smith. She is so great with newborns! We had fun, even though Gus pooped all over her stuff and my favorite jeans! Photos of Gus. It is going to be so hard to decide which photos to get.

Things are going well. Tom's home this week and I don't want him to go back to work! We're having a great time with the boys. AND, last night Gus slept for 5 hours straight! We can't figure out if this is going to change or if he is just a laid-back mellow baby. But, we are not complaining!!!

The boys are adjusting really well. Porter has been amazing! He has really stepped up this week and has been helpful and just becoming such a big boy! And Jack just wants to keep touching him!

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