Thursday, June 25, 2009

For What I am Grateful...

Today was kind of a rough day, so instead of griping about it, I am going to write some things that I am grateful for:

1. My children, without them I would have to find a job during this tough economic time.
2. Nap-time, without it I would not be able to practice saying "BE QUIET" in 12 different languages.
3. Millie, because without her, Porter would not have learned to say, "NO".
4. Sunscreen. My boys are protected, for the short time that I can control them, from doing the same thing to their skin that I have done to mine.
5. Giving birth without drugs. Had I had an epidural I wouldn't know what serious pain is all about.
6. Birds. They wake me every morning at 4:30. Awesome. Thank you birds.
7. The last three pregnancy pounds that I have to lose. Without them I wouldn't have a weight-loss goal.
8. Facebook. Because of you, I haven't read a serious book in a year. (Twilight excluded.)
9. The Subaru, if we didn't have it we wouldn't have anything to spend our money on.
10. HGTV for helping me realize that there are so many things I would like to do to our house.

Of course, I am grateful for so many things and so glad my family is healthy and happy. Daily I have been reminded of how lucky I am, but some days just suck and that is okay.

1 comment:

  1. Just a random question, what is your goal weight! 3 pounds! You are alomst there! Good for you!

