Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I hate cars. I hate everything that has to go with them. I actually don't even enjoy driving. If it were not for the fact that we have to get out of the house or we'll go crazy, I would never drive.

Many of you know that I have had my license since I was fourteen. Fourteen. That's a ridiculous age to be driving a two ton vehicle. I can't imagine when Porter, Jack, and Gus are each 14 and they want to start driving. Lord help me.

But, that's not why I hate cars. I hate that when you buy one it depreciates in value the second you sit in it. I hate that they have to be fixed, and get oil changes and that when you need to fix them, the very honest folks at the service and parts department make it cost so much. I hate not knowing if they are taking advantage of me. I hate not knowing anything about a car to fix it myself. I even hate filling the car with gas and getting a car wash.

I hate cars.

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