Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Baby Blue and Jack too.

While Tom is away, I often take it upon myself to do some projects around the house. Mind you. I am currently 22 weeks pregnant and should probably not touch anything...at all....while pregnant. I find that while I am pregnant I am extremely accident prone. I have "bumped" the van against things with each pregnancy. But, today I decided to paint Porter's room. Porter and Jack are going to be sharing a room in a month or so, and as I am in nesting mode, I needed to do it RIGHT NOW. Here's what happened:

Yes, that is Tropical Breeze Satin Behr paint. It looks great on the walls....really. Unfortunately this was just as I was starting and the plastic was not on the floor yet. And, no, the boys didn't do it. I did. I did it. I did it. I did it. I am so angry at myself...however, amazingly no tears have been shed. I tried many different things to clean it - they just haven't worked. I am going to call the insurance company tomorrow to see if they will help out!

Now, onto the good stuff - The boys and I make cookies on a weekly basis. Last week Jack got into the cookie jar and left nothing for Porter...



  1. I do read your blog every once in a while! Probably won't work if it's dry now, but a steam carpet cleaner worked wonders --- when I did the exact same thing.
