Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I guess I can't swear anymore....

Yesterday Tom was having trouble with the Subaru again and so the boys and I had to load up in the car last night and go and get him from work. Although I wasn't upset about having to go and get him, I hate cars. I hate everything about them. I even hate when the gas light pings! Needless to say, I was not happy about the Subaru. And, in my fragile pregnant state I've been known to swear like a sailor. So I was sitting on the couch thinking about getting in the car and I said quietly to myself, "F***in' Subaru". Then when I was putting Porter into his car seat he said, "F***in' Subaru". Oops. I sure wasn't expecting that one! I will now make sure that I refrain from using expletives while Porter is in the room.

On Saturday we were getting ready to trek - when I say trek - I mean drive 45 minutes away - to go and stock up on things at Costco. Before we left, Porter was going to the bathroom and Jack was pretending to help him. I went to get my shoes on and came back and found Jack loading bath toys into the toilet.... Then he said, "Guck, Bafff!!!" Which of course everyone would understand as, "Duck Bath." How can you be mad???

Today there was a fly in the spare bedroom where we were building a fort and playing in the tent. I asked Porter to get it and he somehow caught it - I think it was already mostly dead - and held it in his hand, without even a hesitation that it might be a gross bug.

We have less than two weeks until we find out what the baby is - any suggestions on how to find out???? With Porter and Jack we had the tech write down the gender on a card and put it in a sealed envelope. We took that to Gap and picked out two going home outfits - one boy, one girl and asked them to wrap up the one that matched the card - we left while they did that so we were surprised - and then opened the box at dinner. It was fun! We haven't really decided what to do this time. Can't wait to find out though!

1 comment:

  1. Love that idea about find out, I may have to be creative so Nate stops pouting about having to find out.
